Now, I have said for a long time, that if I were a religious man, Pastor Gino Jennings would be MY Pastor.
I dig his style.
I dig the way he lays down a sermon.
But most of all, I dig his strict adherence to the scripture.
And I watch the SHIT out of The Truth Of God television program.
Problem is though....I'm not a religious man.
I'm more of what would be described as a heathen.
But I have the utmost respect for people who find solace in something, and strictly adhere to it....as long as they don't break my balls about it.
Now, it seems that Pastor Tony Smith from Georgia, wants to play Roddy Piper to Jennings' Hulk Hogan.
As bizarre as it seems, there is some sort of WWE like storyline playing out in the world of Pastordom. Smith contends that Jennings is a false prophet, while Jennings counter attacks by contending that Smith is a false prophet.
Confusing, right?
Now, the only thing I'm sure of, is that *I* am a false prophet....BUT, I'm not laying down a "Bible-Off In A Barbed Wire Steel Cage, Loser Leaves Town Death Match" challenge to anyone, so no one really cares.
Here's the thing that I don't get though.
Smith seems incredibly angry, AND aggressive about things.
This doesn't seem in keeping with Christ, to me. Also, and I don't mean this as a joke, I'm really not sure why Smith feels that Jennings is a false prophet. I hear something in there about selling things at the Church, but then there's mentions of pedophilia and having a homosexual in the choir...BUT, he's throwing around other names at the time too....so I don't know if that's directed at Gino or the others.
Regarding the selling of things in church...this is where I get confused about things. Smith says at one point that God wants a dime for every dollar you make, but then would be opposed to the Church selling things to generate funds to continue operations?
That seems mildly contradictory to me.
The fact is...when the bible was written, there was no such thing as electric bills, heat, air conditioning, rent, taxes, and so forth and so on. So, the concept of money being needed to support the house of worship, was probably unimaginable.
See why I'm not a religious man?
Besides, EVERYONE likes a coffee mug or a mouse pad with a cool logo on it.
Anyway, I think Smith is following the old philosophy of "If you want to make a name for yourself, you find the baddest cat on the block, and you knock his ass out."
After all, if Gino is a false prophet for simply selling things in church, we're ALL going to Hell!
I'm gonna give you some videos of Smith trashing Jennings, and then Jennings' response. Listen to the HILARIOUS terms that Jennings lays down to Smith for their showdown, which if I understand correctly, Smith never showed up for.
But, in closing.....my Pastor can beat up your Pastor...nanny nanny boo boo!!!