Can a brother JUST be the President?
If you've been following this blog, you'll know that I've been an Obama supporter from the outset. So as you can imagine, I'm elated at last night's outcome.
But there is an undertone going on here that I can't help but be troubled by.
In the midst of everyone being so amazed that America has elected it's first Black President, I think they are forgetting that he was only elected PRESIDENT, not "The Rectifier Of All Of Societal Ills"...not "The Messiah: Christ v2.0".
I understand that everyone is all excited now, and I understand what an amazing step forward it is for America to have finally overcome the racial barrier that has until now prevented ANYONE of dark complexion to hold the highest office.
BUT, I think *some* grounding in reality needs to occur here.
If the mentality that exists here now continues, Barack Obama can ONLY fail. People are setting the bar so high that no one could hope to reach expectation.
We're a funny lot, White America.
We went from hundreds of years of thinking that a black man couldn't succeed in such a position of great importance, to thinking instantly that a black man will be able to accomplish more than any white man in the same position ever could.
How about just letting him be President the same way that everyone before him did?
How about THAT kind of equality?
But maybe that's what the black leaders who have made the comments to the effect that "this is only a step forward, and NOT the end of the long road" mean?
Maybe we haven't REALLY reached the end of the road, until a black man can just be elected President without all the fanfare and high expectations of being New Coke...err...I mean Christ?
On the flipside....how many of you have heard all the racist comments from white friends today? Oh stop it...be honest!!!
I've heard a TON of cool shit so far. I imagine it must be what Hanukkah is like for Jewish people...it seemed that every time I turned around, I got another "present".
It's really weird, you know?
On one hand, this Country DID just elect it's first Black President...and 61% of those who voted for him were White.
On the other hand, I still hear racist bullshit every day.
Where do we really stand, Whitey?
Oh, and how cool is the "What?....is the White House gonna start serving fried chicken and Kool-Aid at dinners now?" line?
Yes, Zeke, it is.
And I hope it's extra crispy recipe and cherry flavored, because all other Kool-Aid flavors are bullshit. Except Berry Blue...that shit was fuckin' dope, yo! I used to drink that as a hangover cure during my Jagermeister phase. I wonder if it really worked, or I just convinced myself it did?
I was kind of a tool back then, so it could be the latter.
Yeah, I know I'm still a tool by societal definition, but I've more or less excepted it.
YOU on the other hand are running around singing "Miley Cyrus" songs thinking it shows how you're still in touch with the youth.
Jesus Obama doesn't sing Miley Cyrus, and neither do I.
I think that America is at such a low point right now, that ANY change Obama makes will be seen as positive. So even though expectations are high, expectations for Bush are low so both sets of expectations just might cancel each other out.
I've heard a few racist comments today too, but I just dismiss those people as total losers. Fuck them.
Obama needs ignore the haters and focus on defeating that genie.
"White america just elected a black president" was it so the black community could FINALLY get it through their heads that they are considered and treated as equals???
Do you think they will still bitch about what happend to their people that havent been alive for a fucking 100 years?!?!?
Do you think it will go to their heads and all shit will break loose???
hummmmm I wonder. If it does all go bad atleast I can say I didn't help him win...
I do hope he is who he claims to be...
But with all this black president stuff on top of all the economy troubles we have, if history repeats itself (and it does) this will all end with WWIII. (before you are like WHAT!?!?!...what the fuck do you think ended the great depression....WWII !!!! )
the Middle class ended the great depression bug-z. People sacrificed and worked their asses off, and won a war. working class people bailed out the fat cats on wall street then and they can do it again.
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