Where my dawg at, yo?
No, seriously homie, my dog was here a minute ago, now I can't find him, and you're cookin' shit!
Oh whatever, so the whole Asians eat dogs thing is a played out joke...I never claimed to be creative! Sometimes I have to steal shit...just be happy this wasn't about Southerners, and I had to resort to some Jeff Foxworthy shit.
Anyway, the ending to this MASTERFUL montage of hot hits, is maybe the best thing I have ever seen.
bhahahahhaha ....you wish you were down like that dude!
what the fuck was in his belt? a calculator and a remote of some sort?
he's hard core yo!
Dude, that wasn't no calculator and remote...those were bomb detonators or some shit. He rolls on dubs and even his hat is bulletproof, yo!!!!
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