Seriously, what the hell was wrong with us back then?
It would have been today...Saturday...20 some odd years ago, that people would have tuned in to that. We watched people DANCE to the top songs on the Billboard countdown.
I really don't know what's worse, that...or when bands actually would come on to "play" their hits.
I put play in quotes, because they only pretended to play as the recorded version pumped through our TVs. Then the song would fade out, and they would keep playing as the lights would drop on them.
And we were entertained by this.
But maybe the worst part of the show came in the form of this....

Wayland Flowers and Madame.
I always hated that puppet. It just LOOKED evil.
In fact, both of them freaked me out...and no, it has nothing to do with Wayland's lifestyle, I don't give a shit about things like that.
It was just that the combination of the two of them was REALLY creepy to me for some reason.
Like I could picture a horror movie based on them, where Flowers keeps people chained up in his basement, and then comes down with Madame, and she tells him to do awful things to them...then he starts crying and shit, saying that he doesn't want to do those kinds of things. Then Madame would start going all apeshit on him, screaming shit like "THIS IS WHY PEOPLE LAUGH AT YOU...WAAAAAAYLAND!!! YOU HAVE NO BALLS!!!"
So then he would tearfully cave in, and make a vest out of someone's skin.
See, you can't see that happening with Willie Tyler and Lester right?

Wait...why does it look like they are participating on a game show that has Confederate Flags as a backdrop?
That picture just doesn't seem right.
Well, in closing, we've learned today that...
"Solid Gold" was a shining example of how we had very poor taste in the 80's.
Puppets are creeps.
And Gene Rayburn was a covert racist prick.
Stick with me...I'll show you how things REALLY are, and you'll be right as rain.
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