How amazing is that?
When Iranians believe an election was stolen, they don't have comedians make jokes about it, they get out there and DO something, even when death is a threat.
Now, I don't pretend to be well versed about the situation, but I did used to talk to this cat in Tehran on Skype (I don't want to give his name for obvious reasons)....he always used to tell me that he and his friends despised Ahmadinejad, and was praying for the day that they would be free of him.
Speaking with him was a real eye opener for me, because he would always tell me that he and his Iranian friends had no animosity towards America, and that he felt that both Governments played their respective people against each other with propaganda.
We here in the States of course, were always being told that the "real problem" was Iran, in our battle with Iraq.
He seemed like a good man.
Hopefully, he's doing well through all this.
GREAT series of photos here....Link
looks a like a partial recount was finally ordered. I guess it takes this type of action for anythign to be done. Those pics in the link you attached were amazing.
It'll be interesting to see how the recount turns out. AND what happens after.
Don't get your hopes up. The one thing that unites them is their hatred of us.
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