The other night, my girlfriend and I were watching "Millionaire Matchmaker".
If you haven't seen it, it's a show where Millionaires claim to want to "settle down", and go to a matchmaking service designed specifically for them and their brethren, to "find love".
Following their consultation with the matchmaker, she rounds up a huge group of money grubbing whores (oh shut up, that's EXACTLY what they are.), and said whores do their best peacocking to land the Millionaire.
To call it a disgusting display of moral bankruptcy is like saying the girl who played "Precious" is *kinda* overweight.
We watched as these men behaved like complete dickbags, yet these "dollar signs in their eyes" holes, giggled and smiled like they met the most charismatic man in the world.
For the record....to me....this is one of the most disgusting characters traits a human being can possess. You are an utterly worthless, vapid sack of shit, if this is your outlook on what's important in a relationship.
Glad we got that out of the way?
So am I.
NOW, all of this of course led up to us discussing what's worse....to be the man who is only looking for a hot woman to be on his arm and not caring about her personality....or to be the woman who just wants $$$$$, and ignores the fact that the guy is either completely unattractive...or a total asshole....or both.
The answer is of course....the woman.
Stop yelling at me....you didn't even let me explain yet!!!!
See, here's the deal:
Men....by nature....are pigs.
They want to bang EVERYTHING, and they don't care how they have to make that happen.
BUT, one of the main things that men know, is that having money, is the backstage pass to the Vaginapalooza.
You see, men know that SO MANY women, will open their legs for them, simply because they have money. They will overlook the way the man behaves....the way he looks....his age....and every other detrimental aspect of their being, as long as they get to have his credit card to go shopping with.
For that $$$$, women will give their most prized possessions...their body and their dignity....to ANY man. She will alter her behavior....she will pretend to like things that she doesn't....she will laugh at things she doesn't find funny....she'll commit sex acts she doesn't enjoy....she'll do WHATEVER IT TAKES to be able to tell her friends where he took her this weekend and what he bought her.
Now, one can make the argument that she's getting what she wants out of the deal, and that he in turn, is compromising himself also, to simply have a hot woman on his arm.
And you would be mostly correct...from a moral standpoint.
But see, there's one small problem with that.
To a filthy rich guy....money doesn't mean anything anymore.
Taking you on a $5,000 Vegas weekend, is the equivalent to me taking a woman to Taco Bell.
It's a throwaway item....it doesn't impact me one way or the other.
AND, he's not looking for anything more than your vagina...and wherever else you'll let him put it in you....and in the other girl he's invited into your bed.
He's not selling his soul to screw you, ladies....but YOU ARE selling yours for his cash.
At some point in time, he'll tire of you.
And when it's all said and done, you start getting older, and no matter how hot you are at *your age*, you aren't as hot as a 23 year old version of you. Things start to change for you....for what you can get with your vagina.
But what changes for him?
He can be 88 years old, and there will still be some vapid whore that will laugh at his cornball ass jokes, and ride his Viagra filled mule, just so she can drive his Mercedes around town.
He never wanted anything more than sex with a hot young girl, and he still has that.
And his money?
Well that was ALWAYS his the whole time....it was never really yours.
But your dignity?
That belongs to him now too.
His money bought and paid for that.
Get it?