"This is the hidden truth....the world between the lies."
By now, most of you will have read the tale of the "debate" that has been ongoing between Allison and I, and if you haven't, you can go read it now at the following link....
"Do Women Think This Way?"
It's ok...go ahead, I'll wait until you're done.
Ok, good?
Now, the idea that women don't size up whether they would have sex with a man, is at it's best, intellectually disingenuous, and at it's worst UTTERLY laughable.
Let me paint a picture for you...
You're in line at Starbucks, and all of a sudden, a ruggedly handsome gentleman strikes up a conversation with you. He's funny...very affable...and you seem to hit it off conversationally.
Before he leaves, he tells you he really enjoyed talking to you, and asks if he could have your number to possibly ask you out for a drink sometime.
Scenario B.....
You're in line at Starbucks, and all of a sudden, a very unattractive gentleman strikes up a conversation with you. He's funny...very affable...and you seem to hit it off conversationally.
Before he leaves, he tells you he really enjoyed talking to you, and asks if he could have your number to possibly ask you out for a drink sometime.
The first guy will probably get your phone number....but the second guy won't.
Because you decided the minute that you saw "Guy A", that he would be suitable to date you....*if* he pursued you.
BUT, the idea of dating "Guy B" is repulsive to you, so therefore, you don't even want to have drinks with him.
You KNOW you would never allow it to go anywhere, and you also know, that it's his intention to pursue you romantically.
And how did you come to that conclusion?
You came to it by deciding that "Guy A" was "Hot".
And what does it mean to find someone "Hot", class?
It means that you find them attractive, and attraction equals desire, and desire equals want.
It's all part of nature, boys and girls.
See, I am REALLY tired of the games that we have been taught to play, regarding the interactions between men and women.
I have NO time for that silliness.
I'm too old for that shit, people!!!
Let me break this down for you....
Oh my God, can you believe what that asshole just said?????? Who does he think he is? We've learned on EVERY situation comedy out there, that the man is a bumbling moron, and the woman keeps everything in line!!! HOW DARE him question that!!
Yes, you heard me correctly.
I don't play that crap, so you can check your "I am woman, hear me roar" bullshit at the door.
If you want to claim that women don't see men out there that they just want to have sex with, I would also like you to enlighten my CLEARLY underdeveloped brain, as to how one night stands happen?
Was that a decision on the behalf of the woman that was "more thought out" than that of the man's?
Oh, I know...these poor helpless little angels were just tricked by the BIG BAD MISTER MAN, right?
See, under societal guidelines, the man walks away as a hero to other men in a one night stand scenario, AND he just wanted to screw you in the first place.
But the woman is labeled a whore.
"Oh, well why can men, like totally sleep around, and women can't?"
Because YOU are being penetrated. YOUR BODY is being entered...ours isn't.
Like an animal, the man is subconsciously "conquering" you.
THAT, is the underlying mechanism that psychologically makes it different from a societal standpoint...but no one wants to say it out loud.
Hell, as we speak, you're saying what a pig I am for typing that, right?
So, who walks out of that one the winner, when he never calls you again?
Were you smarter in that situation?
Your risk to reward ratio was working HIGHLY against you, yet you still did it.
It's simple, because JUST LIKE MEN, you saw something you desired, and you went for it.
You weren't better or more evolved, you thought with your vagina.
Or do you want to tell me that you believed that it was gonna be happily ever after?
What about women who screw their friend's boyfriends?
Did she carefully weigh out everything, and determine that the fucking scumbag who is willing to have sex with his woman's best friend, was the most viable option for a mate?
She just wanted to fuck him.
Where's the sophistication in that, ladies?
The whole "determining a suitable mate" gimmick is hilarious.
How many times have we seen decent, honest, men, passed over for a "bad boy" type?
And you know the best part about that?
These are guys who have reputations for cheating on EVERY woman they were ever with.
But guess what?
Is that another "intellectual" decision? Were all the pros and cons weighed out?
Of course not.
That shit is about as intellectual as Wile E. Coyote figuring out how he's gonna fuck up the Road Runner with one of those awesome blueprints he was always drawing up....and JUST as laughable.
Now, before you go into the whole "You're angry with women!!!" cop out, let me stop you.
I'm not angry with women, I ADORE me some womens....but, I'm TIRED of this bullshit game where men are the only ones capable of doing things for the wrong reasons.
Women do INCREDIBLY stupid things all the time too.
It's just a fact....deal with it.
For some reason, and I can only assume it's conditioning, women like to pretend certain things.
They like to claim that they want a "sensitive, caring man".
But that's not exactly true, is it ladies?
The truth is, when you actually run across a man like that, you think he's an emasculated douchebag, and you would NEVER consider being with him.
You need a man who presents a challenge....hell, NONE of us wants someone who worships the ground we walk on every three seconds.
BUT, women won't SAY that out loud.
So, they send misinformation to men....they *tell* them one thing....but in actuality, the rules are in opposition to that.
And WHY do women insist on this masquerade?
They don't even know themselves.
THEY.... JUST...DO....IT.
Just like they want to "pretend" that they don't think about fucking a hot guy when they see one.
It's fucking stupid.
Let's just call things for what they are, and stop these silly games.
Men don't believe you're smarter....they aren't falling for it.
Trust me, I talk to them.
Oh, and when you show this to your man, ladies...you know...to point out what a douche I am, and DEMAND his agreement....he may agree with you to your face, but deep down, I'm like a fuckin' Malcolm X to him.
I'm spittin' GOSPEL right now, and he knows it.
Hugs and kisses, wimmens!
"Do Women Think This Way?"
It's ok...go ahead, I'll wait until you're done.
Ok, good?
Now, the idea that women don't size up whether they would have sex with a man, is at it's best, intellectually disingenuous, and at it's worst UTTERLY laughable.
Let me paint a picture for you...
You're in line at Starbucks, and all of a sudden, a ruggedly handsome gentleman strikes up a conversation with you. He's funny...very affable...and you seem to hit it off conversationally.
Before he leaves, he tells you he really enjoyed talking to you, and asks if he could have your number to possibly ask you out for a drink sometime.
Scenario B.....
You're in line at Starbucks, and all of a sudden, a very unattractive gentleman strikes up a conversation with you. He's funny...very affable...and you seem to hit it off conversationally.
Before he leaves, he tells you he really enjoyed talking to you, and asks if he could have your number to possibly ask you out for a drink sometime.
The first guy will probably get your phone number....but the second guy won't.
Because you decided the minute that you saw "Guy A", that he would be suitable to date you....*if* he pursued you.
BUT, the idea of dating "Guy B" is repulsive to you, so therefore, you don't even want to have drinks with him.
You KNOW you would never allow it to go anywhere, and you also know, that it's his intention to pursue you romantically.
And how did you come to that conclusion?
You came to it by deciding that "Guy A" was "Hot".
And what does it mean to find someone "Hot", class?
It means that you find them attractive, and attraction equals desire, and desire equals want.
It's all part of nature, boys and girls.
See, I am REALLY tired of the games that we have been taught to play, regarding the interactions between men and women.
I have NO time for that silliness.
I'm too old for that shit, people!!!
Let me break this down for you....
Oh my God, can you believe what that asshole just said?????? Who does he think he is? We've learned on EVERY situation comedy out there, that the man is a bumbling moron, and the woman keeps everything in line!!! HOW DARE him question that!!
Yes, you heard me correctly.
I don't play that crap, so you can check your "I am woman, hear me roar" bullshit at the door.
If you want to claim that women don't see men out there that they just want to have sex with, I would also like you to enlighten my CLEARLY underdeveloped brain, as to how one night stands happen?
Was that a decision on the behalf of the woman that was "more thought out" than that of the man's?
Oh, I know...these poor helpless little angels were just tricked by the BIG BAD MISTER MAN, right?
See, under societal guidelines, the man walks away as a hero to other men in a one night stand scenario, AND he just wanted to screw you in the first place.
But the woman is labeled a whore.
"Oh, well why can men, like totally sleep around, and women can't?"
Because YOU are being penetrated. YOUR BODY is being entered...ours isn't.
Like an animal, the man is subconsciously "conquering" you.
THAT, is the underlying mechanism that psychologically makes it different from a societal standpoint...but no one wants to say it out loud.
Hell, as we speak, you're saying what a pig I am for typing that, right?
So, who walks out of that one the winner, when he never calls you again?
Were you smarter in that situation?
Your risk to reward ratio was working HIGHLY against you, yet you still did it.
It's simple, because JUST LIKE MEN, you saw something you desired, and you went for it.
You weren't better or more evolved, you thought with your vagina.
Or do you want to tell me that you believed that it was gonna be happily ever after?
What about women who screw their friend's boyfriends?
Did she carefully weigh out everything, and determine that the fucking scumbag who is willing to have sex with his woman's best friend, was the most viable option for a mate?
She just wanted to fuck him.
Where's the sophistication in that, ladies?
The whole "determining a suitable mate" gimmick is hilarious.
How many times have we seen decent, honest, men, passed over for a "bad boy" type?
And you know the best part about that?
These are guys who have reputations for cheating on EVERY woman they were ever with.
But guess what?
Is that another "intellectual" decision? Were all the pros and cons weighed out?
Of course not.
That shit is about as intellectual as Wile E. Coyote figuring out how he's gonna fuck up the Road Runner with one of those awesome blueprints he was always drawing up....and JUST as laughable.
Now, before you go into the whole "You're angry with women!!!" cop out, let me stop you.
I'm not angry with women, I ADORE me some womens....but, I'm TIRED of this bullshit game where men are the only ones capable of doing things for the wrong reasons.
Women do INCREDIBLY stupid things all the time too.
It's just a fact....deal with it.
For some reason, and I can only assume it's conditioning, women like to pretend certain things.
They like to claim that they want a "sensitive, caring man".
But that's not exactly true, is it ladies?
The truth is, when you actually run across a man like that, you think he's an emasculated douchebag, and you would NEVER consider being with him.
You need a man who presents a challenge....hell, NONE of us wants someone who worships the ground we walk on every three seconds.
BUT, women won't SAY that out loud.
So, they send misinformation to men....they *tell* them one thing....but in actuality, the rules are in opposition to that.
And WHY do women insist on this masquerade?
They don't even know themselves.
THEY.... JUST...DO....IT.
Just like they want to "pretend" that they don't think about fucking a hot guy when they see one.
It's fucking stupid.
Let's just call things for what they are, and stop these silly games.
Men don't believe you're smarter....they aren't falling for it.
Trust me, I talk to them.
Oh, and when you show this to your man, ladies...you know...to point out what a douche I am, and DEMAND his agreement....he may agree with you to your face, but deep down, I'm like a fuckin' Malcolm X to him.
I'm spittin' GOSPEL right now, and he knows it.
Hugs and kisses, wimmens!
1 comment:
Feh. I didn't say I disagree with this. I didn't say women are smarter or more sophisticated or anything along those lines. I said that we have a different thought process in the same situation. I said, women do not LOOK at a hot guy and in the first few minutes and think, he is hot, I would fuck that. I am sorry, maybe some women do. I don't. I am not talking about having a conversation, I am not talking about EVER speaking to the guy, I am saying, you stand in line at Starbucks, there is a hot chick in front of you, you look her up and down, think, she is hot AND THEN THINK, I would bang that! THEN you go on with ordering your coffee etc. Women stand in line at Starbucks, a hot guy is in front of them, she checks him out, she thinks he is hot, and then orders her coffee. If she is single, she might think, I wonder if he is single, then orders her coffee. She does not think, I would bang that. If you equate, i wonder if he is single, with I would bang that, ok. I would bang that.
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