Ok, maybe I'm being hard on Japan here...but they're the ones that come up with this crazy shit most of the time. I mean, they DID have vending machines with girl's panties in them, right?
Or was that just a rumor?
Could you imagine being an alien race that's observing us, and THIS is what you see?
When we aren't killing each other because our fairy tale book says something different than someone else's fairy tale book, we're sitting around, jacking a rubber egg up and down on our rigs?
Oh, the reason I'm tying this to aliens is because I've been watching people on the internet go apeshit about a square rock on Mars, lately.
Here it is for YOUR viewing pleasure....

I don't just leave you all wondering what it looks like and shit, do I?
Anyway, they keep throwing around the word "Monolith" to create some sense of awe. Monolith translates to "single stone"...but I'll bet these dumb motherfuckers think it means "interstellar transport" or "alien death machine" or some shit.
Now, I FULLY believe there is other life out there...I just don't believe that a blurry, black and white picture of a square rock proves it.
Call me a skeptic asshole if it makes you feel better.
But I DO agree that it is indeed....a monolith by technical definition.
I guess I'm having one of those days where I find the human condition to be pathetic.
Then again...the VERY people who find this rock to be definitive proof that aliens live on Mars as we speak, are probably the VERY SAME people who are jacking their hogs in a rubber egg.
(Insert played out comment about their Mother's basement here)
"Intelligent Life"......BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
We suck.
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