It's an attractive woman in a bizarre multi colored winter knit cap. They stare at each other for a minute, when she suddenly spurts out "Dad....I think he's gonna pork her!", which is a favorite line of his from "European Vacation"
He stares at her in a hypnotic gaze, and as she begins to explain herself, thinking that she may have been too forward with a complete stranger, he completes the dialogue with "He's not gonna pork her, Rusty...now eat your breakfast."
After a momentary pause, brought on by each being amazed that the other "got it", they erupt in laughter.
You see, Rhia never lets him watch "European Vacation", because it's "too juvenile".
Now he's confused because he realizes that everything he THOUGHT he wanted in life was wrong.
Could this strange, eccentric girl be who he was looking for all along, even though his friends think Rhia is "good for him"?
Sound vaguely familiar?
Of course it does, because it's the basic outline of everything Jennifer Aniston ever plays.
Either that, or she's this successful businesswoman, who achieves greatness in her professional life, but can't get it together in her personal life.
Now that I'm thinking about it....isn't that how ALL women are portrayed in these braindead "romantic comedies"?
How about a woman who is just ugly...and NO, not one who can be "fixed" by just taking her glasses off and letting her hair down!
Or maybe one that's a complete bitch whose priorities are in the wrong place, and THAT'S why Ben Affleck won't call back?
What about one that LOVES polka dancing and knitting, and normal people are like "Accordians and Afghans SUCK, you loopy bitch!"
Or...or....maybe one that's nothing terrible to look at, but just spent WAY too much time with her mother watching Wheel Of Fortune and going to bingo, and now lacks the ability to socialize with her own peers???
I'm going off on this tirade, because I just saw that trailer for Aniston's latest film "Love Happens"...and if you're wondering what the plot line is, the synopsis on IMDB starts off with "Just when you least expect it...."
Yup....she's THAT girl again.
It's just all levels of suck at this point. Can't someone re-invent the romantic comedy?
OH, and while I was seeing "Julie And Julia" the other day, I saw the trailer for "Did You Hear About the Morgans?", a new film staring Hugh Grant and Sarah Jessica Parker.
HOLY SHIT is that woman hideous!
If I lived in her City, there would be NO Sex!!! <-----see, that was a play on words in case you missed it.
She looks like if Ruth Buzzi was sent to Auschwitz.
Here's a link to the trailer so you can see the fugly for yourself....
Oh yeah, and F**K Jennifer Aniston!!!!
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