It's been a while since I've posted here....partially because I'm very busy these days, and partially because I spout off whatever I need to say on the podcast that I was axed (<--ebonics to keep things diversified) to do.
It's much easier to just say things than to type them up, you see.
ANYHOO....you can go "Like" the podcast at http://www.facebook.com/anuddercast.
We currently have hundreds of "Likes" (that's sooo fuckin' ghey), and hundreds of subscribers on Podbean too.
Which tells me that there are a lot of REALLY bored people out there, and we seem to find more every day.
On the latest episode, I found a way to offend both of my co-hosts during our discussion about Jesus and 9/11....because they're both overly sensitive sissymarys.
Hmm....I wonder if I can boost subscriptions by starting a war with on air co-hosts?
I mean, a TON of people think waging war with other shows is the way to make people pay attention (mostly because they're a bunch of played out douchebags who have no originality of their own), but NO ONE has ever gone to war with their own show!!!
Anyway....link to the latest episode....
Oh, and in case you didn't notice, I redesigned the layout....mostly because I have a short attention span and get bored with things quickly, but also because the Summer is winding down (sad face smiley for you queerbots), and I'll probably be posting here more again.
P.S. Bryan and Ron = FaGoTz! LOLOLOLMNOPQRST!!!!
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