it doesn't. Except maybe Mama Fratelli from The Goonies.
Oh and if you're wondering what the big round discoloration on her cheek is, apparently she put a cigar out on her face during an "episode" of sorts. Let's see ProActive fix THAT shit!!
This is something quite spectacular really. I mean this HAS to be the biggest public self destruction that we've ever seen.
I wonder what this means to kids today? It's always hard for me to gauge shit like this, because I never really used drugs...I drank, and I know people call that a drug...but you know what I mean, I never used *drugs*.
So I don't know what would have deterred me from using them if I were so inclined. But I would THINK this would do it for me. Back when I was coming up, we had the rockstars and actors that partied a lot, but I don't think we ever got to watch them getting so jacked up on junk that you just KNEW death would come knocking soon. They usually would just be found dead, and THEN all the sordid stories of their drug addiction would come out. So, while we lost someone whose work we enjoyed, we didn't see it least not like this.
But this is different.
Today, kids...all of us...get to watch in full High Definition splendor as the once brightest stars in the sky burn out and die. I can't see how this could be perceived as an attractive lifestyle to today's youth.
But now that I think about it, what the hell am I talking about? I used to think it was AWESOME that Ozzy Osbourne bit a bat's head off.
Hmm...what's really worse here, now that I'm looking at things?
Oh's a tie more or less.
Regardless...Britney, the benchmark has been set by Winehouse in this current day battle.
Batter UP!
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