In Pulp Fiction, Marcellas Wallace said to Butch, "...you may feel a slight sting. That's pride fucking with you. Fuck pride. Pride only hurts, it never helps" Now if Tarantino was really trying to teach everyone a life lesson, he should have used the words "your cock" instead of "pride". That's your cock fucking with you. Fuck your cock. Your cock only hurts, it never helps.
I'm continually amazed at man's lack of ability to keep it in the pants. But, don't mistake me, I do not have a moral problem with whatever Eliot Spitzer may or may not be involved in -- it's his own business. Same goes for Larry Craig, Ted Haggard, Jim McGreevey, Bill Clinton or whoever, really. Consenting adults in their own bedroom and all that...what business is it of mine? Point is: maybe we shouldn't have to keep it in our pants all the friggen time; honestly, what difference does it really make?
I find it curious, though, how much we love the sex scandals. If a new beaver shot shows up from Britney or a tape from Paris Hilton, as a culture we love it. And if a Ted Haggard gay-prostitution-meth scandal hits the papers, we love it. Press coverage soars, it's talked about on the entertainment shows, the news, talk radio. The Leno/Letterman writers are feverishly writing, ending up with an eventual Dateline interview/expose. Even the quote/unquote respectable news outlets run the story 24 hours a day. We eat that shit up like it was a shamrock shake on St. Pat's...but then, look down on it at the same time.
I just don't understand our culture sometimes; Forbes Magazine rated the porn industry at $11-14 billion (with a B) in 2001, with many of the big fortune 500 business raking in the cash, all behind the scenes. That's a lot of chedda' rolling in, from the same people who are looking down their noses at Spitzer, as I type . And that's the legitimate businesses, not including the "massage parlors" hidden in the back alleys of most every city.
I guess, the problems come in when people of influence are caught with their pants down, so to speak. Their dirty little secrets play out so big in the media and appears to be a sign of weakness. Thought being: if they can't make sound decisions for their own cocks, how are they going to make sound decisions for their states, or their ministries, or their countries? But, I find this notion so hypocritical. Does this little indiscretion negate all Spitzer has done, as A.G. going after the corruption on Wall Street? No, not at all.
I don't know about you, but I'm backing Spitzer on this one. He went to Princeton, Harvard Law and worked his way up to governor of his state...Give the guy a break. He deserves a few side "activities" to offset the daily grind of running New York.
Hey Eliot, don't let this little set-back change your lifestyle. Quit groveling to the press. Quit the apologizing to your family. Tell them the truth. Let them all know that your cock was hungry and you needed to feed it. If you want a little side beav from some dirty hooker, go for it. You're a man, do what men do. Just do a little better at keeping it quiet, like Kennedy did. ;)
I'm continually amazed at man's lack of ability to keep it in the pants. But, don't mistake me, I do not have a moral problem with whatever Eliot Spitzer may or may not be involved in -- it's his own business. Same goes for Larry Craig, Ted Haggard, Jim McGreevey, Bill Clinton or whoever, really. Consenting adults in their own bedroom and all that...what business is it of mine? Point is: maybe we shouldn't have to keep it in our pants all the friggen time; honestly, what difference does it really make?
I find it curious, though, how much we love the sex scandals. If a new beaver shot shows up from Britney or a tape from Paris Hilton, as a culture we love it. And if a Ted Haggard gay-prostitution-meth scandal hits the papers, we love it. Press coverage soars, it's talked about on the entertainment shows, the news, talk radio. The Leno/Letterman writers are feverishly writing, ending up with an eventual Dateline interview/expose. Even the quote/unquote respectable news outlets run the story 24 hours a day. We eat that shit up like it was a shamrock shake on St. Pat's...but then, look down on it at the same time.
I just don't understand our culture sometimes; Forbes Magazine rated the porn industry at $11-14 billion (with a B) in 2001, with many of the big fortune 500 business raking in the cash, all behind the scenes. That's a lot of chedda' rolling in, from the same people who are looking down their noses at Spitzer, as I type . And that's the legitimate businesses, not including the "massage parlors" hidden in the back alleys of most every city.
I guess, the problems come in when people of influence are caught with their pants down, so to speak. Their dirty little secrets play out so big in the media and appears to be a sign of weakness. Thought being: if they can't make sound decisions for their own cocks, how are they going to make sound decisions for their states, or their ministries, or their countries? But, I find this notion so hypocritical. Does this little indiscretion negate all Spitzer has done, as A.G. going after the corruption on Wall Street? No, not at all.
I don't know about you, but I'm backing Spitzer on this one. He went to Princeton, Harvard Law and worked his way up to governor of his state...Give the guy a break. He deserves a few side "activities" to offset the daily grind of running New York.
Hey Eliot, don't let this little set-back change your lifestyle. Quit groveling to the press. Quit the apologizing to your family. Tell them the truth. Let them all know that your cock was hungry and you needed to feed it. If you want a little side beav from some dirty hooker, go for it. You're a man, do what men do. Just do a little better at keeping it quiet, like Kennedy did. ;)
I have to agree with you on this one...although admittedly, all of your references to hungry cock left me a bit uneasy, Liberace.
Seriously though...I really don't get people's fascination with this...guys are animals, I thought we all got that by now?
It's funny, I was talking about this with my girlfriend, and I think her outlook on this may shed some light as to why people become so fascinated when a guy of Spitzer's station falters. See, she seemed to be of the thinking that this kind of perversity is reserved for blue collar types like me, that education and prestige allows a man to free himself from the chains of animal lust. Which in and of itself is funny being projected at me, because I’m one of the least “guy” guys you can find. I don’t care for sports..I watch films, even chick ones…I cook…I paint…as we’ve already learned; don’t dig the Strip Club, and I was never really in to porn all that much. Hell, I know cats who have porn collections…but I don’t own a single one.
Now that I’m thinking about it…BRING ON THE HOG!!!
Just kidding
No, I mean it.
But enough of me….when I asked her about her thought process, I found it kind of funny.
See here’s the thing…ALL guys are after one thing. That’s why men are drawn to women. The teaching is backward. It’s kind of like Robert Kiyosaki discussing money…he says that everyone goes through the education process in school, but they are never taught properly about money. They learn to work for money instead of having money work for them…that everything they learn about it actually works in opposition to how things really are.
That’s the same lesson women/society needs to understand about men.
There’s no such thing as a guy who isn’t after “one thing”. We’re all after that same thing. It is a catalyst to our interest in you in the most quintessential terms. There are men who could, with great ease, have sex with you and not even feel the need to know your name. But these same men if asked to do any other activity with a strange woman would say “What? Hell no, I don’t even know her!”
When you stop and really think about that, it’s insane, but it should let you know how much of a driving force that “one thing” is.
What forms a relationship is the other stuff…the personality, sense of humor, etc. That’s the stuff that keeps us around. But make no mistake; NO MAN ever took interest in you without first thinking about that “one thing”.
And that’s what makes the idea that men with prominent positions and huge financial success are somehow “above” that kind of thing. I would submit that the levels of sexual theatre that these guys are accustomed to would make even some of my most avid pornography aficionado friends say “GAWT---DAMN!!!!”
Because I’ve never even seen a $5,000 Hooker, let alone be able to pay for one without it hurting a bit. And I can’t imagine what kind of carnal acrobatics that kind of money must buy you.
See these guys can afford to do everything us blue collar types can only dream about in our wildest fantasies.
They can live out everything their mind can create with the opening of a wallet.
They’re the ones you need to truly be weary of, women….and once you know that, you can stop playing the “I’m SO shocked” game.
So yeah, who really cares what Spitzer is doing?
lol@Joe with a comment longer than the blog....
The truth is that once you tear away all the bullshit and self righteous talk, this is a simple situation really. In a perfect world, the only thing Gov. Spitzer would be guilty of is unoriginality and failing to think outside the box. We've all seen this kind of thing so many times before that it lost its ability to shock us long before anyone involved in this fiasco was even born. Of course in the literal sense he is guilty as hell, but that's not whats important. He committed the cardinal sin. He paid for it. And what kind of politician would do something like that?
A former one, that's what.
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