Good. Now, I absolutely can't stand the chick in the picture here. I don't know her name off the top of my head, but I refer to her as Leather Tuscadero 2. If you grew up on Happy Days, you know what I'm talking about...if you didn't...I'm not talking to you.
Point is...this chick is everything suck.
Just look at her...go ahead...look at her. WHO POSES LIKE THAT?
Seriously...WTF is with the "Look at me...I'm SO Rock!" bullshit? I really hate that shit, and I always did. I could see maybe doing it to parody people who actually do it but seriously...what are you proving with that?
"Oh watch out for me! My tongue is out and I'm making the metal hand!!!!!" I'm CRAAAAZY!!!"
To top it all off, I can't stand the way this busted ass Vampirella looking hooker sounds either. Her vocal "styling" is some wannbe Janis Joplin bullshit vibe, while she gyrates around making Elvis Presley snarls.
This is what I deserve for watching this show, I guess.
I find her very ROXOR
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