I've spent a lot of time in Aston, PA over the years. A place I used to work for was located there. A friend used to own a Cajun restaurant there. But most importantly, growing up in Chester, PA, Aston was home to one of the nearest Dairy Queens, and I LOVED me a Peanut Buster Parfait as a kid. Hell, I even take my kids to that same Dairy Queen because there's nothing quite as cool as the feeling of doing something with your own children that you, yourself, did as a child.
But I never left Aston feeling ripped off until last night.
For those who have no idea what I'm talking about, The Iceworks in Aston, PA hosted the fight between 94.1 WYSP morning man, and former star of The Partridge Family, Danny Bonaduce, and former Major League Baseball star Jose Canseco.
Whoever it was that decided on this particular venue, should personally refund the majority of people's money for admission. This was a TERRIBLE layout for a boxing match, or I would imagine any other event except a hockey game.
Please allow me to elaborate.
The ring was in the middle of an ice rink, and the ice rink has bleachers on only one side of it. Those seats were gone in a matter of minutes. So, the rest of the 1,500 person crowd were left to stand behind the glass, nowhere near the ring. But wait, that was even more jacked up than it seems at face value. You could only stand on one side of the rink...oh screw it...here's a diagram I made...

Now, see the big dark grey bar on the right side?
THAT is where the bleachers are. But as I said, those seats were gone in minutes.
The small grey bars are the ringside $60 seats, but sorry, I wasn't paying that for this kind of a fight. To be honest, I wasn't exactly cool with paying $38 dollars for this, BUT....whatever. Not to mention, it appeared that they ran out of seats up in the ringside area too, as MANY people were standing wherever they could.
SO, now here's where it gets interesting...the light grey area at the bottom is where you got to stand to watch this fight for the $38 you laid out. All the other areas around the ring were barricaded off as indicated by the black lines that I added.
Kinda shitty, right?
Well, it's about to get better!
See that yellow square in the line of vision to the ring?
That was the 94.1 WYSP tent. That's right...they decided to put a fucking tent in the ONLY line of vision you had...it was big and yellow, and said "94.1 WYSP The Rock You Grew Up With!". It might have well just read "94.1 WYSP If We Could Ass Bang Your Mother To Add Insult To Injury, We'd Do That Too!!!"
But it wasn't enough to have ONE tent in the way...no, that would be ridiculous!
They needed a second tent on the other side to COMPLETELY fuck your already limited view. But this tent was VERY important. I mean, if you're going to piss off a crowd what more important reason could there be than a tent promoting an inflatable beer pong table?
What? Of COURSE that's VERY important, you mongrel...stop your complaining!
I would give you an example of the view, but someone ERRONEOUSLY told me that they were patting people down at the door so I ran my Hi-Def video camera back to the car.
Thanks, Ron!
On a funny side note to that...after we got in and were never patted down, we started busting Ron's balls about that whole thing, and he said "No, look...they're going through that woman's purse right now!" I looked over and said "Uh, no, Ron..THAT WOMAN is going through her OWN purse."
He responded ".....Um...my bad."
Now, I would have gone back out to the car to get the camera, but when we first got there an announcement was made that if you left the fight area, you would not be let back in. That sucked more than it seems, because the bathrooms were outside the fight area.
Isn't that illegal, Delaware County?
Oh but silly me, listen to me complaining over nonsense!
I would like to tell you which bouts I enjoyed, but see the audio system was fucked the entire night too, so it kinda sounded like Charlie Brown's teacher talking to him. "WAAA WA WA WAAAA WA WAAA WAAAAAAA"
All around us people were complaining "This is FUCKING BULLSHIT!", and "NICE TENT, ASSHOLES!" could be heard. People began just leaving...not caring that they weren't going to see what they paid for. Oh, because I forgot to mention...not only were you standing for hours...you were standing on covered ice. Your feet literally felt frost bitten after awhile.
I do know one of the worst fights of the night, however. It came in the form of former ECW Wrestling star Sandman who replaced Brutus The Barber Beefcake, taking on some guy who CLEARLY appeared to be going easy on him. They barely threw any punches at each other, and the entire fight was met with resounding boos. So needless to say, those who WERE chanting "E..C..DUB!...E..C..DUB!" when he first entered the ring, were making a lot of different sounds upon his exit.
As for the main event, Canseco TOWERED over Bonaduce. It literally looked ridiculous.
People around me felt that Canseco was holding back on Danny...that he could have leveled him, but for some reason wasn't doing it. He did however land a few hard blows on Danny, but Bonaduce just came back at him like a pitbull. Danny seemed to be trying to work Canseco's mid section, which considering the height difference, would normally make good sense. But when you have 3 one minute rounds, there just isn't enough time for that to be a really effective strategy.
The match ended in a draw, but I had to find that out this morning, because like most all the other people in the Iceworks last night...we left before it even ended. Just so disgusted by what we had endured.
As for those who felt Jose wasn't trying as hard as he could have... well, let's just say there's already a rematch planned in L.A, according to promoter Damon Feldman.
Make of that what you will.
I however, finished my night off with some Blue Moon drafts at a local watering hole back in Wilmington called "Scrimmages", where I was further assaulted with the unexpected treat of a middle-aged band who looked like they just left a Star Trek convention, playing "Sweet Emotion" from Aerosmith.
Life in the fast lane, people.
Life in the fast lane.
no for real... haha. Seriously thought it was a very poorly managed setup!!!
ans as far as JC holding back, he ABSOUTLY was! It was jsut a show people..that is all.
Here is a message I left on JC's facebook page:
Bug-z wrote at 1:26am
That fight was a f-ing joke!!! What the hell, was it scripted or something. It looked to me like you were holding back!!! No way was that a real 100% balls to the wall fight. I dont understand how and why you didnt knock him the F out!!!!
I am so gonna knock him out!!!
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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