For instance, he made a video about his opinion on whether or not people should have to defend themselves for being gay by saying "I can't help it, I was born this way" which was a very solid and interesting take on the issue.
As a result, here's some of the responses he received, which you'll see are equally as well thought out:
"You just implied that everyone on youtube is gay. You're being a bigot. Enjoy your aids."
"Fag. Merry Xmas."
"Im gunna fuck ya' till yuo luv me faggot!Eat my penis!"
"fuck u fuck ur mom and fuck the vagina u came out of!"
So as you can see, he's got some tough debating days ahead of him. Especially with the guy who hates him for being gay, so his answer is to HAVE homosexual relations with him to teach him a lesson. The logic pattern on that one is going to be tough to negotiate around.
Anyway, check out his stuff...YES he has awful hair that you just want to punch....YES he has an annoying Jeff Goldblum-esqe speech pattern...YES, that IS a Hello Kitty on his bed, but we already established he's a fruitaloon. (NTTAWWT)<-----See how I covered my ass right there?
The point is, for a young kid, he's laying down some really decent thoughts, and that's a whole lot more than you're doing with the internet with all your Facebook and Twitter business.
Besides, if someone's sexual orientation makes you so uncomfortable that it prohibits you from even listening to them, then methinks you may have a little sugar in your own tank.
See that was called reverse psychology to you and me, Rusty.
I'm gonna trick you in to making the world a better place!
Well done, but too long.
The insulting comments are trolls. The retarded comments are genuine.
That was a great thread!!
I love the "all caps" angry internet guy thing.
BTW, I see that he's trying to have a "hipper" look these days.
For some reason, I keep thinking Janeane Garofalo when I watch him..which I don't quite understand.
Thanks Rick.
The more I watch the kid...the more I dig him. He kinda drives me crazy...but so do most people.
At least he's interesting.
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