I also realize that I already did the Coheed And Cambria version of YouTool, but I think this might have to be an ongoing segment because it's awesome times infinity.
In this edition of YouTool, we will examine people covering Coheed's "Wake Up" which if you aren't familiar with it, is a slow, love song of sorts.
Now, I know it seems strange coming from a guy with a blog and podcast, but I have to ask myself WHY people do these YouTool videos. I mean, if you have something to say...some sort of thought to convey, or if you're trying to do a comedy skit or something in hopes of it being the next big sensation...fine. But to just go on there singing someone else's song while bringing nothing to the table in terms of an original twist...well that's just bizarre to me.
First we have a young lady named "xCutexWithoutxThexEx"
How the hell do I know what that's supposed to mean, it's what she calls herself.
Quit blaming me for everything....did I invent the internet?!?
Dazzling, no?
My favorite parts about it are that it takes place in a CAR, and when she hits the "for you" parts.
It's like all ability to articulate the word "you" leaves her body.
Also, is it just me, or does she start trying to hide her singing from a passer-by on the "of the window" part?
Now, you're probably thinking to yourself, "Joe, how can anyone else do better than that? Shouldn't we just stop here?"
No, because you haven't seen "anotherbobhead1" yet.
So stop being so damned impatient!!
Anotherbobhead1 is easily the most impressive cover artist EVER.
I could go over the reasons why, but let the man himself lay it DOWN for you right now....
I'm speechless. No matter how many times I watch it...the man's rendition of the song simply takes my breath away.
See, it was all worth doing a YouTool: Coheed And Cambria sequel for, right?
Let me leave you with a live version of the song, from the real band. The audio and video are a bit out of sync, but you'll be able to get the point anyway.
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