I hate White Culture, Glenn, so I can answer this one for you!!
The White Culture is what brought us "Afternoon Delight" which is the whitiest, cracka ass cracka, bullshit of all time. But I've covered that already.
The White Culture embraced Celine Dion's invasion of America with open arms...AND Kenny G....AND Michael Bolton.
See this tattoo?

There was a Whitey that found Quiet Riot's cover of Slade's "Cum On Feel The Noize", so captivating that he HAD to have the album cover PERMANENTLY placed on his body.
And you know the best part?
He probably has no idea that it was a cover in the first place.
Because that primered Pinto isn't gonna drive itself to the liquor store for another case of Natural Ice, while he's thinking about such things, is it?
Barack Obama HATES Quiet Riot.
Or how about this fine specimen...

You have to give this guy credit where credit is due though....he clearly had a design scheme and he was very consistent. The follow through is something to be admired.
He even had the place on the back of his head marked for where his sunglasses will go when he's busy chatting up a nice young lady.
One can only pray that he delivers the line "Drop that zero and get with a hero" with all the sincerity he can muster.
Barack Obama HATES Mr. Cool Ice.

Oh put that funny stick away, sir!!! How much laughter can we endure in one sitting?!?!?
You know who likes Jeff Foxworthy?
White People.
When I was in Myrtle Beach, S.C. last year, there was an ENTIRE store dedicated to Jeff Foxworthy merchandise, and there wasn't a Soul Brother to be seen ANYWHERE.
Barack Obama HATES Jeff Foxworthy, AND Myrtle Beach, S.C.

Of course not!
Because ONLY Whiten Folk enjoy the polka!
When Barack Obama's iPod songlist was released a little while ago, do you remember the "Beer Barrel Polka" or "Who Stole The Keeshka?" on that list?
Of course not, because Barack Obama HATES White People....because ONLY White People like Polka.
It's so simple, that I can't believe you people don't see it!!!!
(BTW, I would KILL to hear that Disco Polka album...that has to be a RIOT!)
Anyway, Glenn...the next time that trickster Katie Couric tries any of that "Gotcha Journalism" on you, as so eloquently put by Sarah Palin, you send her DIRECTLY here!
I'll give her what fer!
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