This past weekend my girlfriend was visiting with a friend, so I spent a lot of time being bored and checking out websites and stuff. While going through YouTube, I came across a video from a guy who calls himself “dejuanp”. Dejuan was disturbed by a video he saw by the…and I’m only quoting what this man calls himself…the “Honorable” James David Manning of the
Now let’s examine this hustler for a moment. I’ve found in my lifetime that whenever you see some thing or some behavior that simply doesn’t make sense, you have to first figure out what the possible angle or catalyst of it could be. Things rarely happen for no reason at all…there’s some pattern or logic to it, regardless of how distorted or convoluted it may be.
Pastor Manning’s angle is simple. To keep those in his congregation happy, by telling them what they want to hear. You see, Pastor Manning is a parasite…a blood sucking leech that drains his people of the very thing Obama is fueling his campaign on…hope.
Manning in this one video speaks volumes as to his agenda. His words keep his people hypnotized like a snake charmer’s flute. He tells them that Obama is somehow flawed, because he’s successful, and that his success was only attained by playing the game the way the “White Man” wants him to play it. Obama’s willingness to play ball with us “white folk” must have been lost on some of the guys that I know and see on construction sites. See, when I mentioned that I was present at Obama’s rally in Wilmington, DE, some have asked me, with a straight face, why I would dare support a “nigger” being President Of The United States Of America. There I was like a fool explaining that I didn’t see how Obama classified as a “nigger” by textbook definition, when all along I could have just said “Nah fellas, it’s ok…Pastor Manning said that Obama played ball with us…didn’t you guys get the memo?”
What...What did I mean by textbook definition?
Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive. a person of any race or origin regarded as contemptible, inferior, ignorant, etc. a person who is economically, politically, or socially disenfranchised.
Ok, let’s run through that for a moment….
Contemptible: I can’t find anything about Obama that one could find contemptible. You may not agree with his policies…but contemptible…nah.
Inferior: Well, the man is highly educated, a Senator, charismatic, and seems to be doing ok financially…inferior just isn’t working either.
Ignorant: Uh…we already covered the educated part…so ignorant isn’t going to work either. Shit, we’re three for three…oh well, I’m sure we’ll nail him on one of these!
Economically Disenfranchised: Well compared to Warren Buffett he may be…but to the fellas questioning his “nigger” status and in a general all around sense of economics…well…strike four.
Politically Disenfranchised: OK, WE GOT HIM…..err….wait…Senator….viable candidate for the Presidency….hmm.
Socially Disenfranchised: Well, I don’t know about you, but I would hardly call one of the most charismatic speakers and personalities of our time, and one of the fastest rising stars in the political arena socially disenfranchised.
Hit the Whammy sound effect from Press Your Luck…we’re finished, Zeke!
Well, there you have it! We have officially ascertained that Barack Obama is indeed, NOT a “nigger”. Glad we cleared THAT up…that was a pressing issue for sure! Wait….are you suggesting that they’re just calling him a “nigger” because of his skin color and for no other reason?!? You mean to say that some white people…MY white people would still in this day and age do that?!? In 2008?!?
But in all seriousness…for the white people who may read this that have referred to Barack that way…you just learned something. Maybe you never knew the true definition of the word, but now I’ve taught it to you. From this day forward, you have the knowledge that Barack is NOT what you have been calling him. If you choose to continue with it, it would only be out of ignorance…a trait that may make certain people think you’re inferior. And hell, they could find that to be contemptible, and then they might start calling you….applicable names.
But we were talking about Pastor Manning, weren’t we?
Well, it’s just that I get my racists confused sometimes….the lines get blurred, you know.
You see, Pastor Manning, just like the white people that asked me why I would support a “nigger”, are nothing more than relics of a day gone by. They are, in fact, one in the same. They use the terminologies that they were taught by those who came before them, each for their own selfish reasons. The Whites, to make themselves feel superior in a bizarre sense of birthright, and Pastor Manning, I’m sure, has a more financial reasoning for his harkening back to the
But they should just get their shit together.
And these Birthright Whites will utter things like this while referring to even the most successful of Blacks as “niggers”. So, in all honesty, if it were up to these types, would Blacks still be afforded the opportunity to “get their shit together”? Or would the Jimmy Webbs of the modern day still be hearing that their prayers “don’t even get above their head.”
I think we know the answer.
Pastor Manning plays upon this mentality too; one could even say that he works in conjunction with the Birthright White…only he’s smart enough to make a living at it. When his congregation sees a successful man like Obama, who comes from a single parent home, whose father left his mother when he was just a toddler, and who was raised by his mother and his grandparents…a man who essentially beat all the odds and rose to great heights, Pastor Manning MUST explain it away. He can’t let the people who fill his donation boxes think that this is possible…not when he’s told them for so long how the evil White Man has prevented it. So what does he do? He says that Obama is working in cahoots with the White Man. That’s he’s not only playing the White Man’s game, he’s playing it EXACTLY the way the white man wants him to play it.
That he’s simply….”a good House Negro”…and nobody wants to be a House Negro, right? I mean, I don’t want to be a House Negro….unless it has a good benefit package…can anyone get me some literature on it?
So anyway….False Designation = Continued Division = Congregation Keeps Coming Back = Full Donation Plate = A Winner Is Pastor Manning!
So, we have some Blacks who don’t like Obama because he’s too White, some Whites who don’t like him because he’s too Black. Blacks that say he’s playing the White man’s game, and Whites who say that if he’s elected he’ll only cater to the Black agenda because “they all stick together”…but Pastor Manning tells us that Obama isn’t “sticking together” with the Black community because he’s a House Negro, but Whites who say that he’s in fact a Muslim terrorist with the master plan…Who’s On First, What’s On Second, and I Don’t Know Is On Third.
In the end, you know who I haven’t seen mention any of this in any way?
Barack Obama.
I see him present himself as a man running for the Presidency of the
Not a Black
Not a House Negro.
Just a man.
A man who wants to change the way things are. A man who speaks to ALL people about issues that effect every one of us. I don’t see him trying to blow out other people’s candles in hopes of making his own shine brighter. I see him telling everyone “yes we can” in hopes of building a better, more unified tomorrow.
And through all of that, I see a groundswell….a cultural movement.
As I stood in
So for those people who asked me why I’d support a “nigger” and other Birthright Whites and to Pastor Manning and his brethren…I would suggest that the ways of your time and it’s mindset are on life support. Unfortunately it’s not dead yet, because we still have to even be bothered to address your insanity…but we’re getting there. You’re the fossils of another time. So keep spewing your rhetoric, and watch as this society passes you by.
I want to leave you with Dejuan’s video that inspired this. I found it heartfelt, honest, and poignant, and hopefully you’ll see it the same way.
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