Saturday, August 8, 2009

And Anudder Death: John Hughes

There's been a lot of celebrity deaths recently...well big ones anyway.
After Michael Jackson died, I saw a lot of people saying that he represented their youth...that the 80's died WITH him, for them, on that day.
Well, while Michael Jackson CERTAINLY was synonymous with the 80's for those of us who were teenagers back then, he didn't *mean* the 80's to me.

John Hughes...did.

For as long as I can remember, my friends and I quoted Hughes films, and these films are SO ingrained in us, that we immediately know the end of the line, AND the exact scene it was from, before it's finished. (Lately, I've been a big fan of quoting Duncan from Some Kind Of Wonderful..."It's your mother's house...we're havin' a party"...although to do it justice, you have to pronounce party as "PAHty"....oh nevermind, YOU probably don't get it anyway!!)

While in some cases, Hughes material was slightly exaggerated in it's representation of us, I have always believed that his films served as a time capsule....a look into the youth of the 1980's from every end of the spectrum.

And for me, the one stand out moment in his career was "The Breakfast Club".
It wasn't that it was just a great film then...but it's the fact that as I have grown, I've seen it from both sides of the fence, and for other reasons, it's a great film now.

No, I'm not gonna explain....I'm gonna link you to a previous entry I made where I discuss it, which strangely started off as me trashing a local Delaware cover band, and somehow ended with me going into the brilliance of The Breakfast Club.
You know, I'm realizing now that if I could just stay focused more, I would probably be much more successful in life.


The link you've been waiting for!

Needless to say, the death of John Hughes had a strange impact on me.
Not because I knew him....but because his body of work knew my generation.
(Although I still have HUGE issues with "Pretty In Pink"....I'll get around to explaining that someday)

You I'm getting older, I'm watching the things I always took for granted, fade away one by one.
Next it could be me!!!!
Nah...I'm WAY to cool to die!

So from every...."Brain"......."Athlete"......."Basket Case"......."Princess"......and "Criminal"....
Thanks for the memories, Mr. Hughes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If only you could spell and punctuate correctly.
Blogging 101:
Familiarize yourself with "its and it's."
Get to know "to and too."
Learn how and where to use a comma.