Ok, I know I will catch major shit for this, but I don't get Kiss.
Now, I get what they meant in the 70's. I was there, I remember the whole thing...THEN.
But, in 2008...in retrospect...aren't they kind of silly?
See, in the 70's, I remember them coming on to the scene and blowing everyone's mind.
I remember the Mego dolls....I remember the lunchboxes....I remember the badass Colorforms set I had.
I even remember FONDLY, "Kiss Meets The Phantom Of The Park" the NBC made for TV movie.
BUT, now when I hear Kiss, I'm at a loss. I just don't get it.
The above is a picture of the Kiss Coffeehouse at "Broadway At The Beach" in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. The thing that blew me away was the young people working in the store...and by young people, I mean in their 20's. (That in and of itself sucks for me because it seems like yesterday I was in my 20's)
But regardless....I'm shocked that Kiss still has a following even with people outside of my demographic, which simply defeats my argument, because I always believed that the love of Kiss was tied to people my age because I attributed it to being a kid when it meant something, but I think I'm wrong now.
P.S. Kiss Army Blend RULES!!!
I may have drank too much Magic Hat "Wacky Kat" WHICH is a black label with a PINK logo...therefore I am questioning my judgment as it is.
But, am I right?
Kiss NOW as a band BLOWS! But Kiss NOW as a BRAND RULES!!! Gene is a genius marketer!!
What other band is SO known 20 years later by brand recognition rather than music?? ...NONE!
Grateful Dead.
ummmmm WRONG! next...
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