See you thought I was just being dramatic when I said we were going down the same path again...with a leader who would just be fodder for SNL.
NucUler, people.
If that isn't a haunting reminder of what's to come here, I don't know what is.
I mean, even IF you have been pronouncing that incorrectly for years, wouldn't you break yourself of it simply because Bush has been ridiculed for it over the last 8 years?
Maverick, indeed.
In fairness, Palin did better than I expected her to do in the debate. Only because she *came off* as overly self assured, when after the Couric thing...I think we all expected Biden to just have her in the fetal position, sobbing.
In reality, I think anyone with a modicum of sense realizes that she never really answered anything. She simply reverted back to talking points that have obviously been drilled in to her head over the last five weeks.
And that whole "There you go again, Joe" line....are we not supposed to notice that cheap pop bullshit? Stealing directly from Reagan, Sarah?
Why didn't you just pull out EVERY well known catchphrase?
And the balls of openly STATING that you aren't going to answer the questions the way the moderator, Biden, or the American people probably want you to?!?!?
Furthermore, exactly when did the McCain party become the party of change?
I remember Obama touting change from the outset, and I remember others ridiculing him for being a "dreamer".
Isn't it funny how that can twist around when others notice that the "dreamer" grabbed America's attention with his silly, ideological points of view?
Maybe a little more bandwagon jumper than maverick there, huh Sarah?
And lastly, I saw reports right before the debate that Biden was being told to be careful how he spoke to Palin, because he didn't want to come off as sexist.
Now, if you are intentionally treating a female opponent in a different way than you would a male opponent, for fear of *appearing* sexist, isn't THAT sexism at it's core?
See how tangled things get when we play politically correct games, America?
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