This is to celebrate whatever video I come across that makes me just ask myself "WTF is the point of this?"
This week, I give you "Delirious Rush" performing in Newark, DE.
And for those of you out of State, that's pronounced "New. Ark."...different than the Jersey variation.
Now, several things come to mind when I see this video, but what stands out the most is the girl who just gyrates around like Molly Ringwald in the dance break of The Breakfast Club.
Speaking of that....did I ever mention here what I find to be the most interesting aspect of that film, and what makes it a brilliant study of internal human growth from teens until middle age?
Ok, dig....
When you watch that film as a teen...John Bender seems like he's the coolest bastard ever to wear flannel...at least...he DID back in the 80's. I don't quite know how he appears to teens today, if they even bother to watch the film, that is.
But if you recall, Mr. Vernon says something to the effect of "You think he's cool...you think he's bitchin? Tell you what...go take a look at John Bender in five years and tell me how goddamn funny he is then!"
At the time, you think Vernon is an asshole, right? I mean, accept for that scene where he fixes his shirt in the reflection of the fire extinguisher case and yells "HUGGANUGGA!"...because fuck you, that is some badass shit.
But...BUT, people...at this juncture in life...we see Bender more from the point of view of Vernon, don't we?
Oh come on, you know Bender seems like a little asshat with all his too cool for school bullshit...just admit it...you're old now. How many guys did you know back then who were all clowny like Bender?
And when you saw them later in life?
You know Vernon was right NOW...but back THEN, you were in Camp Bender.
As we grow, our point of view, and how we see that film changes.
Therefore, it's more brilliant than it appears at face value.
Oh whatever...go channel surf then...I'm sure "Leprechaun In Space" is on somewhere.
Regardless...in full Mr. Vernon mode at the age of 38, I pronounce the above two girls to be the "YouTools Of The Week".
Douchenozzles the lot of them!
This act reminds me of something you'd see on the casino stage at the MGM, or on the Fantasyland stage at Disneyland. But those girls do give me a boner.
bender blogs
Breakfast club was/is one of my fav movies of all time!!
"mess with the bull....."
ok so I like to read first then go back and look at the vids, so after viewing this...WTF was the chick in the black dress there for!?!?! and secondly I think I'd do that little padaua school girl skirt wearing ho!
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