For this particular outing, he decides to dazzle us with his take on Coheed And Cambria's brilliant "Welcome Home".
Mr. Excitement puts it down with all the audible panache' of Carlton Banks on downers, and I think we all get to walk away from it knowing that we've truly witnessed something special.
You know what...fuck it...MERRY CHRISTMAS, asshats!
NO ONE will give you anything more amazing as this.
No, no...don't bother thanking me, just buy me a beer or something next time you see me out!
Now I just found this guy! Who knew singing along to Coheed And Cambria was such a booming YouTool gimmick?
This guy delivers his vocals like he's practicing for his school's production of "Phantom Of The Opera" and if you watch carefully, you catch moments where his eyes roll in the back of his head, no doubt because his boyfriend is tooting on his rig under the desk.
Whatever...that's what it looks like to me! I don't see you coming up with a better explanation!
For good measure...the original from Coheed And Cambria...I can't embed it because Sony is a douche, but you can go watch if you want.
Welcome Home
lol I wonder how many mullets in the crowd at a Coheed And Cambria gig.
Not as many as at a crowd going to see that backwoods O'Death bullshit.
Not one mullet in the house at O'Death. Now how many mullets were at the Coheed and Cambria gig? And don't say none or I'll know you're lying.
If you knew ANYTHING about Coheed And Cambria you would know how completely off base you are about their fanbase.
I don't want to know anything about them. HAHAHAH JOE = PWNED!!!
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