I'm not playing into the "Happy Holidays" bullshit. I celebrate Christmas...hell, even my Jewish friends do Christmas now that I think about it.
But all of that is irrelevant.
When someone says to you "Merry Christmas!", you know what they mean, so stop acting like a crybaby. They mean for you to enjoy this time of year...nothing more, nothing less.
They aren't challenging your right to celebrate, or not celebrate the holiday of your choice. They aren't suggesting that Hitler should have won, or that Kwanzaa is as legitimate as Valentine's Day...they just mean..."I don't give a squirt of piss about you the rest of the year, but hey....enjoy yourself right now."
Are you really such a douche that you just can't take that at face value?
Regardless....to all of you who, according to my World map, come here often from around the globe and read the pseudo intellectual bullshit that I, and the others post here, while you never have the decency to sign up and say anything.....Merry Christmas!
I hope that by next Christmas we all find ourselves in a better economic situation, and that we have an end to the bullshit wars going on that are taking people's loved ones away from them on both sides of the fence.
Merry blah blah blah. More importantly, what did you get me?
Well, my great looks and charismatic personality got you a highly rated podcast.
No need to thank me though.
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