I would like to say that Tone is only saying the things he's saying for entertainment purposes, but I'd be lying. And the fact that he isn't, actually supports my opinion that I'm about to explain.
HOWEVER, regardless of my feelings about the things that Tone says, I support his right to be a lunatic as long as he doesn't harm anyone else....which I have never heard of him doing.
Now, I'd first like to suggest that you fast forward the video to around the 2:24 mark, because that's the part that I find interesting, and sadly, all too common.
Tone approaches a group of people who are protesting California's Proposition 8.
I'll let you watch, and then come back to this
So, as you can see, while Tone is a complete lunatic, he DID NOT approach the group with any sort of hostility. He simply tried to discuss his opposing point of view.
Now, I have no problem with them saying something like "We really aren't here for a debate...we just wanted to make our opinions clear on the matter."
But that's not what happened.
"Maya" begins to go on a tirade about what a real Catholic should believe and becomes amazingly *intolerant* of Tone's opinion.
THEN, she says "And you know what? Now you guys can leave, BECAUSE I HAVE MY KIDS HERE."
Strangely, she has no problem bringing her kids out as a tool to promote her agenda, AND supporting an idea that GREATLY upsets the value system of MANY other parents.
She doesn't care what THEIR kids see or hear.
Then Maya becomes increasingly dismissive and *intolerant* of any point Tone tries to make...as incoherent as it may be.
But wait, there's more! The coup de grace....Maya's sister in arms tells Tone "You have the right to your own beliefs in your own house" AS SHE IS STANDING WITH A GROUP OF PEOPLE WHO ARE SPEWING THEIR BELIEFS TO EVERYONE WHO PASSES BY ON THE STREET!!!
Then they all begin to dismiss Tone by chanting over him.
Not a shred of tolerance to be found.
What's my point in all of this?
Over the years, I have found that those who are always shouting "tolerance", tend to be some of the most intolerant people I have ever seen.
They feel that everyone has a right to live the way they want to, as long as it isn't a lifestyle or opinion that is contradictory to that of theirs and their brethren.
The worst part of these types is their arrogance. They seem to hold themselves in a higher station than those who oppose them. And to me, that kind of display is indicative of a person who is using a cause to make themselves feel "special" , more than it is the behavior of someone who is TRULY supportive of "tolerance".
The guy talking to Tone at the end.....HE was tolerant.
Maya and her BFF could learn a thing or two from him.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go make a donation to GLAAD to wash the filth of defending Tone's insanity off of me.
GLAAD Website
Thanks for posting that.
I was VERY tempted to talk back to "Maya," because I didn't care for her dismissive attitude and I tend to be quite defensive of Tone. I once punched a guy in the face outside of a karaoke bar because he insulted Tone's singing - this despite the fact I had been mocking Tone's singing myself for the last two minutes of his terrible cover of Papa Roach's "My Last Resort."
But when outsiders mock Tone, I tend to get angry. In the case of "Maya" and a video like this, though, I try to stay quiet so that I don't seem like a homophobe by association. Personally, I couldn't give a rat's ass if gays get married- although I think the luster of marriage will wear off quite quickly for the gays as soon as they realize how much marriage leads to sexual dysfunction, unhappiness, and that whole "giving 50% of your earnings away to somebody who didn't fucking earn it" thing. But hey, if they WANT that misery, let 'em have it, ya know?
But when "Maya" and her big nosed friend started ordering Tone to leave, that REALLY pissed me off. I was so tempted to say, "This is a public sidewalk, you ignorant TWAT, so unless you have a fucking permit to be protesting here, Tone has as much right to be here as you do. AND your stupid kids."
And thanks for being the one person to notice how she was willing to exploit her children for a political cause... and then instantly got protective of them when a stranger approached with a camera. If you want to draw attention to yourself, "Maya," strangers with cameras are one of the side effects of that, you vapid cunt.
I mainly hated "Maya" for her violation of the "BOB FREEMAN 'YOU KNOW WHAT?' RULE":
Any broad who uses the phrase "...and you know what?" more than twice in a conversation is a stupid piece of fucking shit who deserves to be shot.
"You know what?" has become the new "um" or "uh" for idiotic slits with nothing to actually say. It's a meaningless phrase/question that they throw out while they try to gather their retarded thoughts into an actual opinion, and I will no longer stand for it.
haha jeeez. Did that moron get hit with a baseball bat on both sides of his head? what are thoes two big bumps...hahaha
Tone's head IS shaped abnormally.
Actually, it could explain a lot of things.
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