That first statement is so that you understand why I'm always suckered in to the newest Smith film when it's released. It's not because I feel that there's any particular brilliance going on in his creations. But, there's something about a guy calling another guy "cocksmoker" that just makes me giggle like a tool.
You know, I really need to grow up now that I'm thinking about it. I mean, I've heard people say shit like that a million times, but somehow, it's still "brand new funny" to me whenever I hear it in a Smith film. What is it about typing something out about your self that puts things into perspective?
Eh, who cares...
As I'm sure you were able to surmise with the title of this movie, I got my fill on variations of "cocksmoker" throughout. Hell, the porno they're filming is titled "Suck My Cockaccino", and if you can figure it out from that, it takes place in a coffee shop.
The stand out performance for me was Craig Robinson as "Delaney". In case you don't recognize his name, he's the black guy who works in the warehouse on "The Office". If THAT still doesn't give you a clue, I don't know what to tell you except that maybe you should stop watching so much "Celebreality" on VH1.
Everytime Robinson was on screen, I was laughing my ass off....wait, this is the internet, isn't it?
Ok let's try that last part again....I was LMAO.
There...that's more like it.
But once again, I encounter the same problem with Smith's latest outing as I have in some of his previous films, and most specifically "Chasing Amy".
The premise is interesting, it starts off really strong, but then it kinda burns out.
It always takes some sort of serious tone instead of remaining as clowny as it began.
I'm sure this is all part of some storytelling formula, that your characters have to learn something of value by the end, but just once, I like to see Smith just continue with the laughs all the way through, instead of trying to have the characters come to some sort of "epiphany" about how they've lived their lives the wrong way and now want to make good in some capacity.
Christ, I don't think there was ANY proper sentence structure in that last one. I mean, it has like four or so commas. Is that even allowable in ONE sentence?
Screw it, if you gave a shit about stuff like that, you'd never come here in the first place.
I have no fucking idea what I'm talking about half the time anyway.
Zack And Miri was overall an enjoyable ride....wait, why do we say shit like that? Why do we call it a "ride"?
I'm gonna come up with something else....I'm not quick witted enough to do it right here and now, but I'm gonna do it soon.
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