Saturday, April 18, 2009

Seriously, Japan....WTF?

All I can gather from this is that Inochi is either supposed to be an alien, or he's Japan's version of Rocky Dennis. In either case, I don't recall E.T. or Rocky ever sporting wood when thinking about underage girls. I mean, even when Cher bought Rocky that hooker for his birthday, he didn't get wood, and that was the perfect occasion for something like that....unless Rocky was smart enough at that age to realize that a hooker can give you the gift that keeps on giving, if you know what I mean.

But, Rocky just wanted to talk to the hooker...and why?

Because when you're telling a story like that...about an don't want him to be a sexual deviant. The character becomes far less endearing if he's running around watching young girls getting undressed like some peeping tom, with a head that looks like an allergic reaction.
People don't sympathize with characters like that...unless you're one of these creeps that I see on the internet, posting Japanese Hentai porn on your friend's Myspace page.
And what's with THAT while we're at it????
I swear, some of you guys are really jacked up...and that's coming from ME!

But I mean, could you imagine if "Mask" featured a Rocky, running around...banging hookers, doing blow, and peeping into the girl's locker room?

Wait...on second thought....that movie would be a whole 'nother level of AWESOME if it had been done that way. Him and Gar getting into bar fights, and Gar holding a guy while wearing his "Moustache Rides" t-shirt, yelling "Hey Rock...give him the headbutt!" and everyone in the bar knowing that it spelled doom for the guy, because it's like getting hit with a cinder block.

By the way...if you ever watch the "Mask" DVD, there's a deleted scene that director Peter Bogdanovich wanted to leave in, but the studio made him remove. It features Cher and Rocky singing "Little Egypt" for all the other bikers around a campfire... and I SWEAR, it's a scene crafted by Satan himself. If I die and go to Hell, this scene will playing on a thousand foot screen in front of me for all Eternity.

Anyway, seriously need to chill the f**k out with some of this shit.

1 comment:

Wes said...

"Japan...Supplying the world with weird shit since 1954..."