Now that the hype of GTA 4 is dying down, and not as minute too soon in my opinion, there's a new game in town that I doubt will get the credit it deserves. Battlefield: Bad Company. The Battlefield franchise has long been a favorite of online gamers. When Battlfield: Modern Combat came out on the XBOX 360 ( it had been out on the original XBOX prior for some time) I became one of those gamers. It was the first FPS I played online and I loved it. I think the draw for me was the weapons and vehicles at your disposal. It was great to hop in a tank and fire shells at defenseless "soldiers" and what made it even more fun was the online aspect. You weren't playing against AI. They were live opponents that had the same thing in mind. Get you before you got them. And when you hunted down the same guy over and over and vice versa it became sorta personal. That added to the fun. But now the latest addition to the console adaption of the franchise is coming out and the demo is available at the XBOX Live marketplace and the Playstation Store. I've compiled a list of five reasons that I think the demo alone is worthy of a higher score than the perfect 10 that GTA somehow aquired. Here they are:
#5) Graphics. Bad Company's graphics are updated and look great. Still not on par with Call of Duty 4 or Bioshock, but a far cry from what they were last time around. A bigger step taken than GTA took.
#4) Gameplay. There's something about Battlefield that sucks you in. It's fun, easy and unless you join a room that has a ton of lag, it moves smoothly and fluid. The same can't be said for the choppy controls and glitchy play of GTA 4.
#3) You can blow shit up. Not just cars but buildings, trees AND the cars, tanks and choppers.
#2) The game doesn't get boring. At least not yet. With only 1 map in the online demo, I haven't gotten bored after 15 minutes and just wanted to go on a rampage destroying everything in sight. There's a method to the madness. Got a sniper in an upstairs window? Fire an RPG or tank shell up there and blow the entire section out of the building. Want to blow shit up? It's likely somebody is hiding in an old barn or beat down house and most of them have huge oil tanks beside them. Light one up and get at least one kill.
And finally... The number 1 reason that this demo and the final game for that matter deserves a better score than GTA: The hype machine hasn't been runnng as hard for this as it did for GTA. There's a reason to build hype and most of the time, if a game is put so high up on a pedestal before it's release, it's not going to live up to it's expectations.
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