Really America?
Are you fucking serious?
In case you are in the dark here...if for some reason you haven't heard this MAJOR DEVELOPMENT in the war on terror, here's a quick bit of info from the Yahoo! newswire:
"Dunkin' Donuts has pulled an online advertisement featuring Rachael Ray after complaints that a fringed black-and-white scarf that the celebrity chef wore in the ad offers symbolic support for Muslim extremism and terrorism.
The coffee and baked goods chain said the ad that began appearing online May 7 was pulled over the past weekend because "the possibility of misperception detracted from its original intention to promote our iced coffee."
In the spot, Ray holds an iced coffee while standing in front of trees with pink blossoms."
Have you ever started to feel that we DESERVE the bad shit that happens to us?
Have you ever thought something as goddamn stupid as us doesn't deserve to survive?
When I see things like this, I can't help but feel this Country is doomed.
I know, I know, you're thinking "You're going a bit overboard here, aren't you, Joe..you melodramatic homotron!"
And maybe you're right...about the going overboard thing...not the homotron.
I am SOOOOO painfully hetero it's insane.
Maybe I am being a bit dramatic about us being doomed because one of the most awful chefs on The Food Network has joined forces with Islamic extremism.
What? She IS SO awful!!!
There are so many more chefs on that channel that deserve accolades over her!
But let's get back to business here....
My point is that America seems so unfocused again. It seems so busy with nonsense again. And by again, I'm speaking of the time before 9/11/2001.
Anyone who knows me personally, knows that I HATE The 90's. I think it was a decade that weakened the American character more than anything I have ever seen. We became so drunken with privilege and excess during that decade that we completely lost focus of anything real...anything tangible.
In the weeks following 9/11, it seemed that this Country was now back on track again. All of the silliness of the decades prior had seemingly been shattered that day, and the fortitude of those of "the greatest generation" seemed to envelope the hearts and minds of the American populace.
By that quickly faded.
Now, all these years later, we're back to being busy with silliness all over again.
We're back to worrying about whether a scarf, worn by a woman with no apparent affiliation to radical Islam is a hidden message.
Sometimes it just seems that we care more about the things we should care less about, and care nothing about the things that should be keeping us awake at night.
21 year old Marine Christian Cotner of Waterbury, CT was died during his first tour of duty in Iraq yesterday. He graduated from Wilby High School and was said to be a well liked, conscientious student who enjoyed volunteering.
He didn't however, have strange catchphrases for Olive Oil, or wear scarves that might confuse people about where he stands with things.
That's apparently why you've never heard about him until I told you.
Priorities and all.
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