Saturday, December 19, 2009


You have no doubt heard about this movie for a long time, right?
You heard that this was going to bring forth a new era in cinema and that film would never be the same after this. After all, it's the film that James Cameron has been working on ever since he rocked the theatrical world with 1997's "Titanic".
You know what, screw that uppity ass hooker, Rose! She let him freeze to death in that water.
Did you see the size of that door she was floating on??
You mean to tell me that she couldn't have let him get a piece of that?
The whole affair sickens me.

But we're here to talk about let's do that.

Let's get this out of the way right now....Avatar IS everything you've ever heard it would be.
It's a cinematic experience that you have never had before, and it's EASILY that most visually stunning film you have ever seen.
Yup, I AM telling you what you think, because I KNOW that you have never seen anything even remotely close to the visual majesty of this film. Don't even waste anyone's time trying to argue.

What's that?
Yes, wiseass, I WOULD blow this film's visuals if I could.
They DESERVE to be blown....and it deserves for ME to blow it, because I put more effort into things than you do.

But here's the thing about all the praise I've just showered this movie with....if you don't see Avatar in didn't see Avatar.
Everything....yes, EVERYTHING, is layered in it's own dimension.
Foreground blades of grass....characters....backgrounds...weapons....subtitles.....
hell, I even think a blue tit had it's own dimension.
The colors are so vivid, and the landscape so rich and lush, that at times you feel as if you're staring out of a window.
And the mapping process that Cameron used on the actors to change them into the blue Na'vi race, gave an all new realism to what you've come to know in traditional CGI characters.
Facial expressions, down the eye emotion, are SPOT ON. You get lost in the world of Pandora, and forget that you're immersed in a completely artificial environment.
It's truly amazing in every sense of the word.

And again, I implore you, see this in the 3D.
Don't rob yourself of this experience, because I don't see how it will be replicated in the home.

From a storyline standpoint, Avatar is nothing you haven't seen before, and that is where I feel the film fell short. Not that it's a complete ripoff of other films, as certain plot points are very original, but the overall storyline has been done a million times.
Had this had an amazing storyline to compliment the visuals, I believe it would have been the highest grossing film of all time.

But despite all of my minor gripe with the plot, this is an amazing film, and will easily serve as a benchmark for a long time to come.

Go see it, because as captivating as Jersey Shore is, it's not quite in the same league.

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