Sunday, March 23, 2008

SURPRISE! Hillary Clinton Is A Liar!

And in an equally shocking news item...the sky is blue!
This is just awesome....seriously, I don't think I ever saw someone so busted in a lie.
The worst part is...that statement was in response to Sinbad...yes Sinbad, telling people that he was there, and they were NEVER in danger. He actually stated something to the effect of "The most difficult part of our trip was trying to figure out where to eat next".
So what does ole' Hillary do? Why dig the hole deeper of course!
Then the viddy comes and basically rapes her in front of the nation....all while in the background Sinbad is doing standup about... "Remember how when you were a kid, if you weren't home when the street lights came on, your Dad would get drunk and punch your Mom in the face?!?"

Well, it went something like that anyway.
Here's the vid:

1 comment:

Bug-Z said...

Yeah, and I 've never seen a doctored up video either...