Friday, September 26, 2008


So it seems CNN's Jack Cafferty also saw the Palin interview with Katie Couric that I put up here yesterday.
How refreshing is it to see someone IN the media, I say IN the media just layin' it down on this cornball half-wit from Alaska??

Dig this:

I love how he starts handling the shit out of Blitzer when he starts trying to run with the new bullshit we've all been indoctrinated to here in America (all except for me and Jack Cafferty that is!!!) where everyone has to pretend things aren't the way they are even when they're GLARINGLY fucked up.

This is why all our kids get trophies when they play a sport these days, even if their performance amounted to nothing more than licking the football and repeatedly punching themselves in the testicles when the snack stand was out of "Funyons".

Sing it with me people...
"♫ And I'm proud to be an Americaaaaaan, where at least I know I'm...♫"
Eh...fuck it.

1 comment:

Ro said...

By golly, that Palin is a hoot!