Home schooling is extremely popular here in West Virginia, what with all that anti-Jesus crap about evolution that they try to teach in public schools.
Yes, I know this topic probably deserves a longer blog post than I am prepared to give today, but I just have to post this -- this is the exact quote of a text message my chick just got from our next door neighbor, a chick who happens to home school.
XXXX, Im not go ing to be home for while. we went to pincelavania for the day to a skate park . Its' nice and in door . Maybe we can get too gether tonite when i get home. I'll talk to you latter. XXXXXX
Now I understand that when people are texting, spelling isn't essential. We all use acronyms and what-not to make texts quick and easy. But pincelavania? Uhm...yeah...at least the two kids are learning about why Noah couldn't bring the dinosaurs onto the ark.
Wait...that text is FROM the home school teacher herself, not the student?
I think you can see her a few posts down discussing Barrrrack HUSSEIN Obama.
That's what you get for thinking you can make a fortune with Soy Milk Moonshine near the Appalachian Trail.
Are your neighbors from Spain?
@ Joe, yes that's a text from the mom/teacher.
@ Ro, ooooohh, so close...Arizona
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