Friday, May 23, 2008

How Much Is $40 Really Worth To You?

Christ, this shit is getting really scary now. Am I the only one who feels a sense of impending doom here?

This video was filmed by me yesterday morning...

YES, I know there's a crack in the's a work van and it sometimes goes to unpaved places so I can dispose of the mean construction sites...yeah, construction sites.

But seriously, would you wait in all that for $40?
That was filmed at 10:15 am...the gas pumping wasn't to start until 11:00 am, and the cutoff was 200 cars. At some point wouldn't you just say "screw this!"?
I mean, how much is you TIME worth?

Eh well, the way this economy is going, we'll all be waiting in breadlines soon enough anyway, so what the hell, right?

I call dibs on being the Al Capone of the new era when the depression starts!


Bug-Z said...

is that Wilmington Delaware in the it huh really.

Joe said...

Psst...the internet is worldwide...pass it on!

Bug-Z said...

is it...really