You don't, I swear.
You know what's cool about never having been famous? The fact that I never get to the point where I feel like I have to do shit that I really don't want to do, just so you'll notice me.
(So sayeth the tool who writes all of his thoughts out on the internet, right?)
But seriously, it has to suck when you reach the point that you can barely remember being on Party Of Five and the taste of Charlie Sheen's hog on Denise Richards' lips has long since dissipated.
While we're on that subject...what was the better video moment as far as those types of movies go?...
1.) Denise Richards and Neve Campbell's make-out session in "Wild Things"
2.) Phoebe Cates getting out of the pool in "Fast Times At Ridgemont High"?
Speaking of the latter, I remember being in a bar once and the band was covering "Moving In Stereo" from The Cars...I looked around, and tons of people were making the hand motion of jerking off because of the Fast Times scene. I was dying to yell out "Doesn't anybody fucking KNOCK anymore?!?!?"...but I just KNEW that at that moment the music would have stopped and everyone would have stared at me like *I* was the tool.
Just a bunch of bastards trying to stifle my moment in the sun, you know?
Eh....back to Neve....you know the worst part about this?
Still, no one will care. Sure, websites are reporting about it now like it's something of note...but really, is this gonna make anyone actually go see this movie? Especially if you have to sit through Neve's whispery, squinty eyed overacting, with those bullshit dramatic pauses, like she's lost her breath and couldn't finish her sentence all in one flowing movement.
You know what might make me watch this shit...if Neve Campbell and Lacey Chabert had a topless knife fight to the death, and the winner got to sleep in that tent in the Living Room on that bullshit show!
Or maybe watching Paula Deviq use her right hand to fight off her left hand because it's reaching for a piece of cake. Did that hooker EVER eat? How was that chick supposed to be hot with the body of a pre-pubescent boy?
Party Of Five was an awful show. Fuck You the 90's.
1 comment:
google it, looks like her left nipple is sunken in...
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