Saturday, January 16, 2010

Keith Olbermann Sees Things My Way

You see people, this is the problem I have with religious people sometimes.
The way of Christ, was a way of kindness. Christ was supposed to be an individual who ALWAYS showed kindness, even to those whom the rest of society felt didn't deserve it.

Main Entry: Chris·tian·i·ty
Pronunciation: \ˌkris-chē-ˈa-nə-tē, ˌkrish-, -ˈcha-nə-, ˌkris-tē-ˈa-\
Function: noun
Date: 14th century
1 : the religion derived from Jesus Christ, based on the Bible as sacred scripture, and professed by Eastern, Roman Catholic, and Protestant bodies
2 : conformity to the Christian religion
3 : the practice of Christianity

NOW, if Christianity is a religion based on the ways of Jesus Christ, and YOU are gonna claim that this is what you subscribe to, why would have EVER talk down to someone, or about a certain people?

And THAT is my problem with so called "Christians" a lot of times.
Rather than truly adhering to the ways and teachings of Christ, they tend to use Christianity as a medium for them to feel superior to other people, and to say things to even FURTHER destroy someone's spirit.

Is that what Christ would have done?

Do you see what I mean?
For instance....regardless of what the bible does, or doesn't say about homosexuals, I don't remember any stories about Christ protesting someone's funeral with a "GOD HATES FAGS!" sign. In a truly Christ world, he would have shown a homosexual kindness and compassion until he eventually saw the error of his ways and stopped listening to the soundtrack to "Wicked" all day.

Now, in the real world, we have evolved enough intellectually to know that homosexuality is not a choice, right?
If you haven't, I would ask that you drive your car head on into a wall.
Having you around is REALLY fucking up the flow of things.
It's nothing personal.

This is where you notice that me and Christ don't always see eye to eye....but I TELL you that upfront, unlike ole' Pat.

And as for Rush....."light skinned and black skinned"?
You know, the last time I heard someone dividing the black community based on the shade of their skin, one group ended up being called the "Hutu", and the other the "Tutsi".
But something tells me you didn't have much of a problem with the way that one turned out.

Oh, and one final note on all this hocus pocus.....
Last I heard, according to the story that is, when one makes a pact with the devil, that deal is honored for the remainder of your time here on Earth, right?
You THEN pay IN FULL, when you die....your soul now belongs to Satan for all of eternity.
So, how would Pat be correct in stating that the reason terrible things are happening to Haiti, is because they made a pact with the Devil?
In FACT, Haiti would be incredibly prosperous and dripping wealth and riches if such a pact were made.
One would have a better case arguing that America had a pact with the Devil than Haiti, no?
I mean, Satan would be a pretty SHIT salesman if he his pitch was "Make a pact with me TODAY, and I'll throw in an extra plague at NO additonal charge!!!"
I would think to myself...."Huh?....I don't think I want THAT!" and then put my Soul Debit card back in my wallet.
I wouldn't care HOW drunk I was after the bar, that late night infomercial just would NOT be as appealing as the "Ab Glider".

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