Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I'd Say Brand Is Bouncing Back Fairly Well...

"Russell Brand left Britain in disgrace, but less than a week after resigning from his BBC Radio 2 show his career appears to have recovered.

Brand is reportedly thrashing out a deal to appear in the fourth Pirates Of The Caribbean film - as Captain Jack Sparrow's younger brother Jonathan. The deal to appear in the children's film could be worth as much as £5million and would catapault the 33-year-old into the Hollywood A-list.

A source told The Sun: 'There couldn't be a role more perfectly suited. There's a lot of Jack Sparrow in his mannerisms and behaviour. Depp's accent isn't a million miles away from Russell's either."

So there you have it. I think it's safe to say that resigning from the show may not have ONLY been about what it seemed at face value. Maybe someone knew it was time to clear up the schedule a bit, huh?

At the same time, I can't wait to see a "Pirates" film with Brand opposite Depp.
On paper, it should be the most entertaining yet.

1 comment:

Ro said...

He did seem to give the BBC show up too easily. He's a great choice for "pirates".