Monday, November 10, 2008


Ron's entry that featured Benny Hinn reminded me of an entry I've been meaning to make for quite some time now.
I'm not a religious person, so to speak....AND, I find that most people who *claim* to be religious have no idea what adhering to the word of God really means. Mostly I think that those in America interpret the bible to work *for* them and their lifestyle, rather than curb their lifestyle to work for the bible/word of God.
BUT, that's a sticky conversation, and as I said, I'm not really religious, so we'll just leave it at that for now.

However, there is one preacher that I watch fairly often, and that's Pastor Gino Jennings from Philadelphia.
Now, I don't really watch him to get my religion fix, but more because I enjoy the way that he forces people to look at how they DON'T really follow the word of God the way they are supposed to while calling themselves faithful believers.

The synchronicity in which he operates with the scripture reader Steve is flawless, and his methods are second to none. (in my opinion, that is)
In the two following clips, he addresses...well...basically Catholicism I suppose, and where it and it's followers often deviate directly from what the bible tells them.

What did Yoda say..."Do or do not, there is no try."
Or Myagi for that matter .."You karate do You karate do You karate do guess so....SQUISH...just like grape!"

I don't really know what the fuck that had to do with anything, but I always enjoy tying I movie reference to shit, and besides, it kinda works if you think about it.

Anyway, I give you the HONORABLE Pastor Gino Jennings:


Unknown said...

Unfortunately, the basis of what the Pastor is preaching is accurate based on biblical teaching. Nothing wrong with a little showmanship if it works holding peoples attention to eventually help them. If you understand the path of religion and history, when Rome was christianized, the Romans kept some of their pagan rituals and rights, including replacing their Fertility god with Mary. Biblically, Mary was never to be worshiped equal to or as a God, “Mary Mother of God” ?
The Catholic Church despite some awful things that have happened recently and in history, have done great things in helping people around the world. But one major shortcoming is not encouraging members to read the bible for themselves and develop a personal relationship with God. Instead over history they helped the Ruling Class keep control over the masses that could not read. It was people like Martin Luther and our country’s founding fathers that changed the world by empowering and educating the average person.
It truly is about a personal relationship and the teachings of Christ, not all the other crap.
But, Thanks for the clip it was entertaining.

Ro said...

I don't believe for a second that Mary was a virgin.

Cool clips, Joseph.

Ron said...

hey x! you might want to check your history. when Rome was christianized under Constantine, pagans and heritics were slaughtered in the same way christians were slaughtered under Nero and Marcus Aurelius. all pagan ritiual was banned by Constantine.

I agree with you on Martin Luther. He was a great man! Anyone who has a bounty put on his head by the Pope is alright by me. The Reformation of the Roman Catholic Church was significant. It gave many Christians choices, and Luther's translation of the Bible from Latin to German gave millions a chance to study christianity on their own.

as for our founding fathers. I think the biggests right they bestowed on us is the right to religious freedom. The right to worhip Christ, Mary, Allah, Buddha, or Barney the dinosaur if we so choose.

Unknown said...

Ron, Pagan rituals were never completed banned. Constantine only proclaimed to be a Christian later in his life and the following Caesar Julian re-instated the Pagan rituals in Rome, so the period you talk about may be less than 25 years compared to hundreds? Christian and Pagan rituals had previously been celebrated together by the people as a way not to be persecuted by either side. One example is the celebration of Christ’s birthday in December when he was born in September. This allowed Christians to celebrate his birthday when the Pagans were celebrating, I believe their Winter Solstice and not be noticed for persecution.
But if you think for one moment this country’s founding fathers were tolerant of other religions you are mistaken. When the said religious freedom, they meant freedom to practice Christianity. Just ask the Native Americans if there was tolerance to practice their God.

Ron said...

Hey X. What do you mean Constatine only claimed to be a Christian. He was baptized on his deathbed and was said to accept Jesus. Doesn't that make him a Christian? Whether He had Jesus in his heart or not is really not for me to judge, but I guess You are Holy enough to know. He also started the foundation of the Catholic Church in Rome. You know that big church on Vatican Hill. Well.... he built that.
And as for Caesar Julian, he failed to restore Pagan rule in Rome. By then most romans were Christians.Christians revolted and burned pagan temples. Julian Became tolerant of christians and let them be.

And I love how you spin the intention of religious freedom. Whether that is what they intended or not, it is what it is. We have religious freedom in The United States of America. You can choose any religion you'd like or stay in your right wing cult.