Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Spreading The Message

Rest In Peace, Brendan.

On a related note, I just tried to volunteer at The Sunday Breakfast Mission for Thanksgiving, and they are filled with volunteers.
Figures...the one time I try to do something decent with myself.


Anonymous said...

"Figures...the one time I try to do something decent with myself"

first - one should not have to TRY, this is something one pocesses and comes naturally...of coarse the time must be found first.

second - "decent with myself" its not for you, nor is so you can feel good about yourself. Its about putting the act of helping someone before you.


Ro said...

Joe = PWN3D!!!

Fuck volunteering - who wants to hang out with a bunch of happy-go-do-gooders? I just donate $$ and hope that it all doesn't get embezzled by some suit with a kept mistress.

Joe said...

Understood, Robinhood...but what I meant was...I generally don't do anything that could be perceived as "decent". Not that I'm a terrible human being, just that this would have been my first time volunteering in this sort of capacity.