Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Man, this Summer is just escaping me. Did you ever feel like that? Like time is just whizzing by and you're not doing any of the things you want to?
By this point last Summer I had been to the beach several times...to Washington D.C. twice...shit, a lot of places.
This Summer...nothing more than the Greek and Italian Festivals.

I feel like time is just blowing by, and I'm standing on the sidelines.

I remember when I was younger...my mother would say "Just wait til you hit 30...time just ZIPS by after that."
Fuck if that wasn't right.
I think it's because usually around that point, all the benchmarks of your life have past.

Think about it....
You wait to get your Driver's license.
You wait to graduate high school.
You wait to turn 21.
Then maybe College....Marriage....Children...then...nothing left to wait for anymore.
You just start getting OLDER.

I mean sure you can still do shit....but the major things...the milestones...they're over with. You're just another jerkoff going through the motions now. Nothing "special" to look forward to...nothing monumental.
Does anyone WANT to be a Grandparent? I mean sure you dig your grandchildren, but what fucking assclown is running around out there at a young age saying "Can't wait til I have Grandchildren!!"
You know why people who are older look forward to grandchildren? Because that's all that's really left. It's all that will be *new* in their life.

I think that's why time *seems* like it gets faster. It's like when you're a kid waiting for Christmas Day....it seems like it takes forever.

Anticipation slows time.

Not physically of course, but in your mind.
Without anticipation, the pages of the calendar just drop away, and before you know it, YOU are the the one telling the "younger folk" to just wait until they're 30 to see how fast time goes.

1 comment:

Bryan said...

Now you take joy in the milestones of your childrens' lives.