Oh don't sit there acting shocked. I put up with a lot of nonsense from you, but being disingenuous is where I draw the line!
See, this type of stuff is what you've mentality embraced for years now. You're simply looking at a Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie without the hotel chain and multi-platinum Dad with the baddest ass afro of all time, trust funds to cushion their idiocy.
Let me tell you how the rest of this plays out. Stephanie Woods...the blonde, will end up on the talk circuit and in Penthouse or something with a six figure deal, and then in a couple more years, there'll be two more dopey chicks doing something similar because "if Stephanie can get rich this way, so can I!!!!"
Sing it with me America "♫ It's the circle of life...and it moves us all ♫".
Sadly, this kind of stuff IS the circle of life here in America, and it will continue until we all stop making celebrities out of these types.
In the words of the honorable prophet Smokey The Bear "Only YOU can prevent forest fires."
Well....yeah...I know it's not exactly the same thing, but it kinda has a connection.

1 comment:
Those chicks remind me of your girlfriend Adrienne Curry.
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