New ongoing feature!!! Aren't you excited?
From time to time, I'll throw stuff up that I've always found stuck in my head over the course of my life...things that borderline drive me insane in a way. YOU may find them completely uninteresting or downright idiotic, but for some inexplicable reason, I haven't been able to shed these memories for the life of me.
Let's get on with it.....
Remember in the 70's when you would be eating your Freakies cereal and watching Saturday Morning Cartoons? I know it's cliche to mention Freakies, but I used to dig the shit out of Grins And Smiles And Giggles And Laughs too....now who mentioned THAT before, hmmm?
Anyway, remember when they remade Tom & Jerry and decided that Tom & Jerry were now friends? Sure you do...these episodes could easily be identified by Jerry wearing a red bowtie. Apparently the bow tie was some sort of mind control device that made Jerry forget about all the awful shit that Tom was trying to do to him back in the prior decades.
They say as men get older their testosterone levels decrease making them less aggressive in nature....I guess Tom was all mellowed out by this point, and just wanted to chill with Jerry, so he sent away for the mind controlling bow tie from the ACME company.
Oh ok, I guess you have a better explanation for this complete bullshit shift in the character models and storyline?
Sometimes I get so tired of trying to talk reason to you.
The point of all of this was that THIS episode which I'm about to show you, has stuck with me throughout my entire life. I have no idea why, but I've always remembered this and in fact, at random times, for no apparent reason at all, the memory of "PIPSQUACK! bird" will go off in my head. These episodic outbursts of 70's cartoon dialogue probably explain why I have such a weird sense of humor....hmm....I wonder if this needs to be addressed in therapy?
Oh, enough about me....I give you Tom & Jerry in "Hold That Pose"....
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