My vote for "Craziest Corey" goes to Feldman. My argument is this... If you’ve watched the reality show "The Two Coreys", then you’ve seen that Haim knows he has issues. He talks about some of his shortcomings, and deliberately does his best to hide his other shortcomings (crack, coke, whatever else) because he’s sane enough to know that drugs are something he should hide if he wants to continue working as an actor. And besides, I have a soft-spot for "Lucas", okay? Sue me.
Feldman, on the other hand, is a self-riotous, preachy vegan who not only seems to think he is superior for supporting PETA and not wearing leather... but he actually thinks he can sing. Can you say, " Delusions of grandeur"?
You be the judge...
HAIM GIVES GREAT INTERVIEW!!! Watch this E! Interview... 36 seconds in.
Now here’s Feldman... singing. Watch at 1:25 in... Feldman does his best Michael Jackson imitation while his wife Susie Sprague cries from humiliation..
I think I’ve made my point here.
Ok, I can dig that it would be romantic as shit for a guy to sing a marriage proposal to his girl...ok...I get that. But there were several things wrong here...
1.) Feldman sounds like a sheep being punched in the nuts when he sings. Wait...do sheep have nuts?
2.) That song was dogshit from an arrangement standpoint AND from a lyrical standpoint.
3.) Shouldn't a romantic song be..oh I don't know....FUCKING ROMANTIC? That sounded like some shit you would hear from back when Bruce Willis went through his whole "Bruno" phase. Especially the end when he was basically screaming at her. Does screaming and romance go hand in hand? Did I miss that class?
Anyway, that was awful top to bottom. I don't think I have ever felt that embarrassed FOR someone.
Exactly. He strung a bunch of cliches together then hired musicians so that he could wrap that turd in a pretty package before he shat it out to his poor wife.
She had to look appreciative for the cameras, but imagine what she was really thinking during that train-wreck.
dude come on you know you'll be humming that shit in the work van tomorrow.
Gotta agree with BugZ. I can see Joe now... singing to his girl... "Dewp dewp ba dewp a dew I LOVE YOU!"
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