Saturday, July 12, 2008

Jon Lajoie

Ok, if you don't laugh at this bastard, just kill yourself.
Seriously...we don't need YOU around here ruining shit and being offended.
Besides, why should you be sitting around here watching this when you could be out in some coffee shop (that's NOT Starbucks, because Starbucks has SOOO sold out, right?) reading your favorite Noam Chomsky book while Mother Love Bone pipes through your earbuds, you politically correct 90's slacker warrior you!


I think they're gone now.

This first one is called "Show Me Your Genitals". This one is especially funny to me, because he dresses like my ex-brother in law. And I would think this is how he would dance if he ever were to attempt such a thing. Not that I'M saying shit....I NEVER dance, and I never will, much to my girlfriend's chagrin. See how I used a fancy word right there? That's of French derivation...oh shit, I just did it again!

Funny right?

This next one is called "Everyday Normal Guy", and may be the funniest shit of all time.
It's like a bizzaro world rap song. Instead of telling how he rolls like a boss and shit, he tells the truth.
I like to type on my blog, MUTHA FUCKA!!!'ll get it in a minute.

There's a lot more, but I think you're capable of finding them yourself, because you understand words like "chagrin" and "derivation".

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