What is it exactly? You know that moment when a band just loses it?
Here's the thing about Metallica and the Load/Reload years...they weren't *awful* albums. They weren't.
They were just awful *Metallica* albums. Because Metallica was metal...the F'N KINGS of metal. Just ten years prior to the release of Load/Reload, they were just lighting the Metal World on fire. It wasn't just a band, it was a movement in music.
But that changed with The Black Album...then worsened with Load/Reload...and St. Anger...what do you really say about St. Anger?
Well, some people say a lot....but your ole' pal Joe isn't going to. You know why?
Well, for one, I said all I had to say when I altered the cover back then, titled it St. Wanker, and it made it's rounds on music sites all over the net.
But mostly because I saw the documentary "Some Kind Of Monster" (no, it wasn't a mockumentary like Spinal Tap...it just felt like one).
Anyone who saw this film HAS to know what an absolutely F'D up place this band was in at the time. I don't just mean because of rehab...I mean because of ego and a bad case of the Hollywoods.
But you know what I'd be willing to bet? I'd be willing to bet that after the backlash following that disc's release, Metallica was knocked down a WHOLE lotta pegs. Even if they don't pay attention to what the fans say, I'll bet it was hard to not notice that St. Anger was the worst selling disc of their career.
So...I forgive you for that Metallica. We all get a little carried away with ourselves every once in a while. Hell, I sit here writing this blog as if ANYONE cares what I have to say about ANYTHING.
See what I mean?
So on to the upcoming "Death Magnetic". Did you hear the lyric in the video above "Suicide, I've already died!"? That lyric right there ends it for me. I know that sounds absurd, but that moment is all too familiar for me. I've had it happen with many bands over the years. It's the moment where they just...lose it.
That thing...that vibe that made them cool...it just goes away with a shitty lyric.
The first time it happened to me was September 24, 1990. On this day, two of my favorite bands of the time released new discs. Megadeth's "Rust In Peace" and Iron Maiden's "No Prayer For The Dying" were in my hands during my lunch hour. I popped Maiden's tape...yes I said TAPE...into my car's TAPE player and I was off. The first song was entitled "Tailgunner"...I immediately felt like something was wrong.
Then came the chorus...
"Climb into the sky never wonder why - tailgunner
You're a tailgunner"
The "metal" had died.
The rest of the disc was as much of a disappointment as that lyric.
But everything has it's time...for people to really expect a group of men nearing 50 to light the world on fire in a genre of music that's historically been defined by youth, is simply ridiculous.
"Suicide, I've already died"
1 comment:
Heavy Metal Rule #1: Never, I mean NEVER let your drummer speak publically as the band spokesperson if you want to be taken seriously.
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