Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Goodbye Old Friend

The Philadelphia Spectrum is going to be torn down after the 2008-2009 hockey and soccer season. For 42 years, The Spectrum served up national music acts and sports teams to Philadelphia and the surrounding region.

My first memories of The Spectrum were as a very young child. My mother took me to see the Ice Capades featuring Hanna Barbera's cast of characters. I remember being VERY excited to see Hong Kong Phooey hit the ice because he was my favorite HB character at the time. Now not so much.....he's poorly drawn and other than the Scatman Cruthers voice...not very notable.

Oh, and The Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey Circus...can't forget that! I saw this several times in my young years in that building.

In 1986, I went to my first concert at The Spectrum....Iron Maiden "Somewhere On Tour".
If you didn't see Maiden in the 80's, I feel bad for you. But I did...at the Philadelphia Spectrum.
Now that I think about it, if you weren't a metal fan in the 80's I feel bad for you...that was an AMAZING scene at the time. But that's for another day, I guess.
In the years that followed, I saw Metallica, Slayer, Suicidal Tendancies, Testament, Megadeth, Anthrax, Alice In Chains, Judas Priest, Yngwie Malmsteen, Ace Frehley, The Cult, Queensryche, and most recently The Cure play in that building.
Hmm....I think we need to go over that list again, and sing the Sesame Street song "One of these things is not like the other" to see if we can figure out which one it is.

And no, I never saw sports at there, so I don't have a "I was there when so and so made the winning shot" story. I just don't care about that kind of shit....never did. In fact, I'd probably STILL be more excited to see Hong Kong Phooey ice skating than to watch guys running up and down a basketball court.

In recent years the shift has moved away from The Spectrum to the newer Wachovia Center, so I think we all knew this day was coming. But still, it'll be strange when it's not there anymore.
Now I know how people felt when Veteran's Stadium was torn down.

Got any of your own stories about The Spectrum?
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Bug-Z said...

yeah I have lots os memories there....MY Dad took me and my brother to all the flyers homes games back in 75-76 when we won the stanley cup...it was cool!

....oh and there is no CURE for what you have my friend...

Anonymous said...

I saw my first concert there too. It was BON JOVI! It was awesome!

Joe said...

Dear Tricia,
We all have embarrassing moments in our lives. The point is to learn from them and not make the same mistake again.

The Management.