Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Annnnd I'm Back!

Not that anyone really noticed I was gone, but I was.
I spent the weekend with my girlfriend in Mystic, CT, watching the leaves change, like a sissy.
Well, not LITERALLY watching them, because that would be very tedious, and I get all fidgety and such. Plus, how much of a tool would I be if I actually drove 5 hours and then stood staring at a tree? I mean, it's bad enough that I would publicly admit to setting off to a specific region just to see leaves that are brightly colored....but to suggest I was actually staring at them would only....well...you get my point.
Dig my photography which will ,no doubt, only draw my sexual orientation in to question further...
Oh, and this next one features "Free Hugs" Girl.
No, I didn't get a free hug. It was a matter of principal...I don't care how perfectly she has cultivated the Jay Mewes look, I won't be suckered in!!!
Overall my impression of Mystic is this....great weekend getaway...don't think I would ever try to make much more of it.
There just wasn't a whole hell of a lot to do after a while.

We did make our way to the local casinos where I lost a WHOPPING $20.
No, that wasn't meant to be $200 or $2,000....it read $20 as in TWENTY.
See, I HATE gambling. I have no luck, and nothing pisses me off more than losing money.
If I buy something that I regret, I at least have something to show for it...but if I just LOSE money, it eats at me like cancer.

Gay Part 3:

I had a Mojito here:

This is "Leiffingwells" at the Mohegan Sun, which is the most visually impressive casino I have ever been to. After the Mojito, I tried the Mohegan Seasonal Ale....not too good. It tasted...buttery for lack of a better word.

There's a whole lot more to tell...like Chowderfest at the Mystic Seaport, but do you really care, people?
Of course not.

Ok...screw it...I'm not even gonna do you like that...
OF COURSE I had the pizza.
See I was gonna try to be all cool and just roll out of this post like I'm no where near touristy enough to have been that lame, but I can't lie to you.
You're my boy (or homegirl), yo!!
How I'm gonna do you like dat?
Wait....when did I become David Silver on 90210?

Anyway, yeah, I ate the pizza. It's ok.
Now Frank Pepe's in New Haven on the way home....THAT was a pie!!


Ro said...

Finally got your camera back, ay sissyboy?

Anonymous said...

way to blow your guys diet....