Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Stuff In My Head: Episode 2

I'm back with yet another thing that from time to time rings out in my head like tiny slices of schizophrenia.
It's not so much the cartoon itself that haunts me, as much as it is the theme song.
However, once I hear the theme song, it's of course coupled with visions of the blobbish pelican thing that "educates" small children when their parents aren't around. Weird thing my head, I see the pelican and another smaller pelican lowering down on ropes when the song plays, but I've found no corroborating video of it.
That pelican seems like a jerk to me anyway.

Regardless of all my problems...enjoy yet another look in to my mind....

Hey, I'm wondering now...considering this blog and you think I took the message of that song too seriously?
I'm thinking maybe I did.


Anonymous said...

a "Flap Doddle of a Day"

WTF were those producers smoking back then...

Ro said...

I wonder what else the phallic shaped pelican "taught" little Timmy?

Joe said...

I knew that you would take the bait and make a disparaging remark based on the size of the pelican's nose, Mrs. Wahlberg!!!!

Ro said...

What can I say? After all, this is a racist blog.

The size of his nose turns me on. Not sure why.

Ro said...

P.S. I suspect it turns you on too, doesn't it Mr. Joe the Racist Blog Owner?