Thursday, October 16, 2008

Welcome To Chris Gaines Part 2

THAT, is apparently Eminem as "Relapse".
Word is that he's releasing an album under that name, and that he raps with the psuedo-Jamaican bullshit that you've heard in the audio Holocaust above.


Oh, Chris Gaines was Garth Brooks' alter ego thing back in the 90's.
Remember how well that worked out?

You know, I talk a lot of shit here, but I sincerely wish I could have enough success in life that I feel like I can actually decide that I'm someone else.
You know what I mean?
Seriously, how cool would it be, to be so batshit loopy that you just decide that you're Chris Gaines or Relapse now?

Unfortunately, I'm not very successful...hence my nonsensical ramblings here.


Otto said...

The name of the Album is Relapse.

Dre just had one called Detox.

He is NOT using that as his rap name.

The rap style hasn't changed much either.

That's a Dre beat in the background too. It sounds like almost every other Dre beat. I don't know where you got the Jamaican reference.

Anonymous said...

so there joe ....duh

Ro said...

Joe = PWN3D

Joe said...

I read a whole piece about it....claimed that he announced it this way.
You can't hear the goofy ass accent he's trying to put on in that?


Otto said...

He puts that voice on a lot.

I am not Stan.

Joe said...

You are only not Stan by name.
Admit that the line "We should together too." was inspired by something you wrote to Mathers!