Monday, October 20, 2008

Marky Mark Follow Up

Joe The Hardwood guy made some very pointed remarks calling Mark "Marky Mark" Wahlberg an anti-semite.

Turned out he fell for NBC cross promotion gimmick.


Scott said...

As I said at the time, it was HUMOR. And apparently that post you're referring to Otto isn't the only thing wrong on the blog here.

1) it wasn't Joe, it was Ro who said Mark was a racist. Joe did think Mark was pissed though/

2) It was on Kimmel's show, which is on ABC. So there's no "cross promotion" going on.

It was obvious to me and sadly not to everyone that Wahlberg was joking. As I said at the time in the comment section it's brave of these actors to do such things because people end up thinking their racists or assholes or whatever.

Anyone who knows anything about Kimmel's show should be aware of the "I fucked Matt Damon" song. That stemmed from a long period on the show where it was a joke and a gimmick to bump Matt Damon. They took that bumping gimmick so far that Damon appeared on the end of the show just to start ranting while the credits were rolling. People thought Damon was an asshole.

It's comedy. And that kid does have a huge honker... and there's nothing "racist" about that.

Scott said...

sucker?! That's racist!

Anonymous said...

he does like to suck "things"...

Joe said...

Joe The Hardwood Guy was not the author of said piece regarding Mr. Wahlberg, and therefore Otto=PWN3D.

Ro said...

well, not to get too wordy, but Wahlberg's appearance on SNL hardly proves that he's not a racist, and it also doesn't prove that he's not sore about the sketch. Wahlberg = PW3ND

Otto said...

Anonymous is a retarded. Anonymous = PWND!

Scott said...

wow... Ro just hates Wahlberg and will say anything. Proven wrong and Ro still can't admit it. What a racist Ro is.

Anonymous said...

everyone is a racist fatass! oh see I was being a racist towards over weight bad.

lol ....jk....relax....dont freak out...this aint the ole board!